Voice Sound Recording


New member
Hi anyone knows about recording voice to a song?? I have a problem tt when the voice is recorded, it sound very soft... Also anyone know wat affects the quality of recorded voice and hw can I record it and also make it more louder?

Wat mic and equipment do u use?

Using a vocal mic plugged into a mixer which is then plugged into a soundcard is wat i use. The mixer allows me to eq and boost the volume if needed... and also go control panel and check ur sound settings and under line in make sure the level is not adjusted too low..

The software tat u use to record probably have the options to boost the volume as well..
maybe you can get a condensor mic which is much more sensitive than a dynamic mic. it usually cost around 100+ to get a decent condensor mic. cheers mate.

Hi thanks ... hw about the cost of mixer? Another thing to enquire... if a song is done by midi programming, but if you want to make it sound like "real instruments", what can be done? Any software with nt so bad sound bank nice for tt? Thanks
the mixer act as sort of a pre-amp for ur mic. Mixers u can get behringer, 100+ can get, hunt for them ard simlim. I use a dynamic mic, i find it adequate, condensor mic can capture more frequencies than a dynamic, so it depends on ur needs. u can also get ur mics at simlim, the prices there are more "competitive"
This is best put under "How-To Sound" section :)

Mic: I used to use a computer mic to record vocals. That was about 5 years back. I just use my software to boost up the volume after I am done. You can actually listen to how it turned out on my myspace account:


Click on the song called "Catastrophe".

Of course, you can probably tell that it's not gonna give you teh best sound. But it doesn't sound the worst either. In fact, all the recording you hear on that page are done either on computer mic or a cheap karaoke mic (I have yet to upload a song that I use my SM 58 with).


If you are looking for a condensor mic, that would require phantom power, which a mixer can provide for you. These days, however, you have the option of a USB condensor mic, which doesn't require a mixer to boost it. Just plug in to PC and sing.

Another option is to just boost up the volume of your recording by using the DAW software you are using. This method is not advisable, though, cos when you boost up mic volume, you are also boosting up all the background noises that you record into the mic.

You can, however, minimise the noise by employing some simple acoustic techniques. I use to cover my mic with a sweater to reduce pops and back ground noises. You can also cover yourself and the mic with a heavy blanket you record. Crude, may seem silly even. But it works. ;)

Let me add the MIDI part in a while...
MIDI: MIDI itself doesn't actually HAVE sounds. They are more like codes that trigger your machine or software to play certain notes with a certain sound.

Certain soft synth or midi hardware can let you import sound samples into it. All you need is 1) sound samples and 2) the manual for your software or hardware so you can know how to incorporate the sound in.

It will be great if you can tell us what you are currently using. I am not exactly a gear person, though. But there are plenty of people here who are and who can answer your question better than me ;)
Another thing to enquire... if a song is done by midi programming, but if you want to make it sound like "real instruments", what can be done? Any software with nt so bad sound bank nice for tt?

What you want is software based synth/sampler that has very realistic samples. A very good starting point is Propellerhead Software's Reason, it has decent samples and some outstanding ones but most of all the GUI is very user friendly and efficient. It will work with many DAWs to boot with no hiccups via Rewire.

Hope that helps..
Hmmm. try searching for wavetable synth for the sound to be like 'live instrument'?? And i agree with THOA that it'll be great if you tell us what you're currently using. heh.
If you are only recording 1 vocal and need 1 track, it's overkill to get a mixer.
Maybe a good quality Mic Pre-amp would be sufficient.
Software should have EQ and volume control.