Vocal Health


New member
Hi, guys (& pretty girls of course! Hee hee)!

It is very nice to see you all sharing kind tips on our favourite de-stressing activity that is singing. I firmly believe myself that it is a good outlet to let it all out and enjoy. I am but a casual singer with a not-that-serious band with members that have a myriad of influences, from Beyond to Guns N Roses, from Cranberries to Wings.

Personally, my weakness has always been the airconditioning. It dries up my voice real fast and I will be strained in no time. It rarely happens when I go for karaoke because 1) we drink constantly during karaoke 2) don't have to try to sing over the band (especially the drums) 3) there are sufficient breaks (have to let others sing mah) and we can have 5-hour marathon karaoke sessions! Hahahahaha!!

I've read that it is no so uncommon because cold air does dry up one's throat and it worsens if you have a 'cold' body. As in internally, your body has more 'cold elements'. I have read that even legendary singers are known to have this problem. The last time Whitney Houston came for a concert here - she ordered ALL airconditioning to be turned off! Imagine the concert-goers' discomfort!:(

Anyway, I know some of the solutions would be to have a jog or some form of exercise before your jamming session and to smoke a cigarette to so-called warm up the body. I personally do not smoke myself but last time I tried, I realise it does work albeit being a short term solution and a long term problem. The nicotine does help one to relax and induce a sense of well-being. Don't ask me why man..

Anyway, I am trying to learn to have consistency in my singing and to have more stamina. Just to have time to exercise and have more stamina and hopefully find some tips on vocal conditioning and ways to minimise loss of voice during a session. Personally, I find that spacing out your songs properly does help tremendously, as does taking sips of water (not gulping down lots of water) because the break in between songs help the vocal chords to relax and minimise the chances of it being over-stressed. So, I find having two singers (or the guitarist/bassist/drummer to sing and play at the same time) really helps..

But do you think, with the right techniques & excellent stamina, that a singer can hold his or her own? Although I rarely see a professional singer do that in a concert or a club session because their concert tours are sometimes back to back and for club singers, it's like every night.

So, thank you in advance for your kind advice/tips/sharing of experiences and thoughts.

Have a Nin Jom Herbal Candy in your mouth while you sing :D

For some reason, I tried that during last jamming and it worked. Haha!

But seriously, it's not a resolution to smoke to "relax" or "warm up" your body. It only worsens the condition of your throat, hurting not only your vocal cords (causing the so-called huskiness), but your lung capacity and range as well. Your range will dip drastically, you can't hit notes you used to (high and low alike), and well, you can't hold a note as long.

Trust me, I picked up smoking after I picked up singing. And I'm regreting, but addiction kicks in, so what the hell.. :P

Most important lubricant for your throat is still water!

Yeps, I fully agree on the smoking bit though I am still in wonderment when I see some singers I know who can't live without their nicotine sticks but still sing wonderfully. Well, maybe in the long run their vocal health will suffer greatly.

Regarding the water as lubrication thing, I know you are supposed to just take sips of preferably lukewarm water, not gulp down.

And another thing is not to sing on a full tummy but I guess everyone knows that...

Well, I think it's really important to know your weaknesses.

For me, I have really lousy control over relatively low pitches when they are long and draggy but consistent short bursts of high pitches - I have absolutely no problem. A good example would be I can sing 'Sweet Child O' Mine' decently but give me songs like 'Creep' by Radiohead and it becomes a chore.

" the right techniques & excellent stamina, that a singer can hold his or her own? "

sorry for disturbing.. cant help myself. this line make me laugh. just me thinking of it in the wrong way .. sorry

how about cough syrup as lubricant ? i am not a singer in a band but sometime i sing as everyone sing sometime. cough syrup do help me in both way ;D .
Cough syrup? Won't you get drowsy after that? =p

Okay that's not the point, but whatever the case, cough syrup is still a prescribed drug, so I'm a little skeptical about it...

I've heard that going jogging and doing sit ups really helps your stamina and range? Is that true?

that's why i said that it help me in a both way. it keep my throat wet (same with candy) and make me good. :D not advice able to use.

what i found in the Youtube is the amazing Mellisa cross. It will help you a lot i think because it do help my doubts and misunderstanding a lot.
Vocal Coaching

Well, I am seriousling tinkering with the idea of signing up for classes to learn how to sing and scream. Scream like Eric Martin and not scream like those death metal type lah. Powerful, falsetto screaming.

Wondering if there are any vocal coaches in Singapore who provide that kind of service. How does the singing lessons provided at Yamaha music school fare anyway?

I really don't mind getting professional tips and guidance to enchance my singing although I am not planning to sing professionally or perform anywhere at all.

Just want to learn only.

Any lobang?

Thanks! :mrgreen:
my own weakness is that i cant really hold out for a whole session of jamming, say 2hrs. it might be cos of the higher ranges of the songs too but im trying not to push blame on tt. lol. i was thinking i might be using wrong techniques of reaching high notes such tt my voice or higher registers get strained and cant last much longer even for other "easier" songs. well anw, im currently taking nin jiom syrup every night. at least it prevents dry/sore throats which can be really dreadful. =( and especially to us. haha
I'm a fan of sips of water. It doesn't matter how much you sip because any extra will go straight down your throat anyway, and too much will fill up your stomach and make you have frequent toilet breaks :)

As for consistency and stamina, that needs good technique and training. When your technique goes off, you'll get tired very fast. But if you maintain it, you can go for hours.
If u want, check out www.fusionxmusic.com
Just mentioned that Weijie recommended u if u are going to call them.

Vocal coach Cheng Yao can vocalise freakly high with ease. It just chills...me whenever he goes that high... . I seldom hear guys who can vocalise high notes like the way he does. He is a technical vocal "freak" who can fix yr voice.

As for screaming, I think with technique, u don't really have to scream. Your voice just gets freakly loud if u know how to sing with technical aspect.
before gig: Gudang garam blue (available at all cheers shops) and honey / lemon drink

after gig: Gudang garam blue + teh halia gajah panas.

In between gigs: Just gudang garam blue.

works for me....
Cough syrup... haha... who knows you might be able to hit a "higher" octave with it?
But jokes aside, maybe you can also consider honey as a better/ healthier (no possible side effects) choice. I mean it would be such a funny sight when you see people staggering out of KTVs high on cough syrup right?
Well, I have been advised not to take honey before any singing because it has a tendency to induce phlegm and that is not good. Not good at all.
Dont do cough syrup. I once worked with an old timer dude who did cough syrup nightly ... it's addictive!

gudang garam blue wil do the trick everytime!
Just what is this gudang garam blue? Sweet?

Yeah I realise too that if I sing those powerhouse style of songs for long, my throat feels really tired, like I start speaking in whispers when my normal talking voice is quite loud. But if need to, I can still sing those songs on and on and it doesn't affect the quality, just that after every song i speak softer and softer, is that normal?

Probably means i'm damaging my vocal cords right? I dunno if it's a mental thing, cos those types of songs can be quite emotionally exhausting as well, I always sing them like it's the last song i'm gonna sing and after that song i'l drop dead from over-exertion.

I tried honey but it gave me a lot of plehgm, then i drink sips of water but it doesn't help at all, I also tried pi pa gao which worked but only for a short while, like one or two song. I once ate the whole bottle of pi pa gao in the ktv, cos after a few songs I'll take a spponful to soothe it.

Think I'm seriously gonna try this gudang garam blue, hope it works for me.