haha compared to last year it wasnt that okay la!
this year only mod english, physics,abit of combined humanities and alot of geog. but i dont take geog anyway haha
all the trip science ppl going to the top 3 jcs luh wth.
Err.. wait hold on. Could you all please provide names of yourself and err your brother who is in the same year or dunno what.
Hello everyone anyway, hope Hak Boon treated you guys well. Honestly the school was never the same again after he came in. Damn boring, damn strict, damn irritating. I might get into trouble for saying this but, who cares :evil:
So, who is err bouncychu's brother and 2359hrs_?
incara: haha thats good, AC fun what, but if you end up with the wrong group of friends then life will be very sad
lol tread carefully... your following yrs in the school will be hardly fun i would presume.
chs alumni now, graduated this yr... but 89 batch. 8) . oh well.