vic desu, heres my story ( if you're bored ) ^^


New member
hi guys from soft. ive been reading the x japan thread for sometime now and some other of the forums, but ive been lazy to sign up. so yeah i guess its about time i introduced myself = )

my name is victor but u can call me vic/ vic chan/ vic kun eh whatever u want really i dont really mind as long as the name isnt offensive. anyway i got influenced into rock just a year ago around this time too. that was when my cousin asked me to watch the anime BECK, yeah its a really cool anime about rock bands and it has great music. anyway during this years chinese new year i saved up and used my ang bao money to buy a guitar it was a ehh peavy raptor exp X= it came with an amp. i named her kuchiki. = ) so ya i started to teach myself guitar and i have been playing ever since. although i first heard music from x japan in my p6 year, i couldnt appreciate them back then. it was only around june when i really fell in love with x japan = ) i remember clearly. it was because i watched the last live. everything was so. WAHHHh. and OOOH. and WOAHHh. ya anyway i used to be really fat ( 69 kg 161 cm ) X= severely overweight. then after hearing from a friend that hide(guitarist from x japan) used to be fat as a kid. i was so damn shocked X= i started idolising hide and stuff. and i think it was because of hide that helped me lose weight = ) haha dont know but u but i think im a much happier person that im not overweigt anymore. i can excercise longer without getting tired, and i even look better ^^. i think at least. so ya, i beleif that rock really can change peoples lives and that its not just bullshit. at least x japan changed mine and im sure they helped alot of others like me too.

so somehow i wanna become a rocker and change peoples lives, of course im in it for the other benefits too ^^ but if i fail ill become a director and make movies. if not ill just become a philosopher or begger or something. ya and thats me for u. = )

i listen to:

X japan
beat crusaders
typhoon 24, lunar sea
asian kung fu gen etc.. ( jrock )

acdc ramones kiss nivarna beatles ( stuff )

b.bking eric clapton ( blues )

eh ya u get the idea almost anything except for i dont listen to most of the stuff playing on radio now adays. ^^

so once again, nice to meet you.
shredrat said:
victor from cat high? nice to meet you...welcome to soft anyway,who intro-ed u here?

z0mg how u know im from cathigh u are? ive kinda been here for quite long just that i only read the x japan post. the guy who intro'd me here isnt a member. he just read the x japan thread and gave the link to me kinda. so ya.

acdc = ) sadly no =/ i cant afford.
DoubleBlade said:

he's not my cousin. okay actually he is. i know who u are! you're julius !! i read your blog! when tim reads it. its interesting. i think. oh ya thanks for last live. again.

life in cathigh okay la. could be worse in other schools.

viper: cool = ), u play an instrumant?

i've been posted to acjc, its super far.stupid cat high la. this year mod so little.