Very new to guitar


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Hello,I am totally new to the guitar scene and you can say i have almost 0 knowledge on guitars.I am a left handed kid and I'm having much problems deciding to go for right hand or left hand guitars.Also another consideration is,i am more inclined towards electric guitar(because i listen to alot of heavy metal) but then most people told me to learn acoustic first because they said its easier as most songs are slower on the acoustic but then the strings are harder.I don't know

Also,i need to get myself a guitar and find places where i can learn the guitar.
I have a budget to about 250 max for the electric or if acoustic i guess i could do with a $100 one,saw some good brands at Davis Guitar for the acoustics but can't find any cheap electrics with amp in my budget.

So i need some opinons from you all on deciding which hand to use and if there is anywhere offering cheap courses in the east? My friend learns the intermediate Electric guitar at tampines yamaha school for $70 / 4 lessons. I'm not sure if beginner would be cheaper and does it offer lefties lessons .

Feel free to enlighten me more on guitars too :rolleyes:
"i am more inclined towards electric guitar...but then most people told me to learn acoustic first because they said its easier as most songs are slower on the acoustic but then the strings are harder.I don't know."
There are no hard and fast rules on whether you should start with an acoustic, classical or electric first. All that matters is that you're enjoying yourself.
In fact, I think that the electric is easier to start with. Electrics have a thinner neck and lighter strings, all of which makes things much easier for beginners. Acoustics have their appeal as well, but they use much heavier guage, generally have a chunkier neck, and the action is almost always higher.
And you can always play slow songs on an electric, and fast songs on an acoustic. There is no limitations.
So I say, start with electric if that is what you want. There is nothing to stop you.

"So i need some opinons from you all on deciding which hand to use"
Left handed guitars are very hard. If you are a total beginner, I would recommend just starting off the standard way, i.e, the right-handed way. Your left hand as the fretting hand, right as the picking/strumming hand. You'd thank me in time for this.

"and if there is anywhere offering cheap courses in the east? My friend learns the intermediate Electric guitar at tampines yamaha school for $70 / 4 lessons."
Music school are a good choice, but there are many private teachers around too.
Click here.

"Feel free to enlighten me more on guitars too"
Check these out, a lot of relevant information within them.
Guitar Gear Sticky
All Things regarding Guitar
agree with phil. Start out with right handed first. Im also left handed using right handed guitar. U can get a sx guitar package at davis for 250. Amp included.
Anybody can enlighten me on the rates for beginner electric guitar lessons at Yamaha?

I think it would be safer to look for qualified instructors :)

and oh yeah,how about the Bucklay package at Guitar77 for $249? I don't know if there is any terms or anything.
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when i started playing, i couldn't progress much with an acc/ classical guitar, they weren't player friendly. the electric guitar has these benefits for the player to ensure progressive learning:

*better playability
*amplifier ensures the player does not have to pick hard to be heard- do keep this in mind: lethargy induces mistakes

i highly recommend you invest in an electric guitar 8-)
thanks for your valuable feedback ! I guess i will go for electric guitar.

Now the problem is finding cheap and affordable weekend lessons :eek:
And also,does portable speakers or headphones work for guitars?

Can someone brief me on the setup?
Or is this possible

Guitar > Portable speaker(battery operated)
Doubt so
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You can go for adapter-powered 10-15W amplifiers, or battery-operated 3-5W amplifiers. You can get a good 10-watter for below $100 or around there. If you ask me, 10-watts solid-state is more than loud enough for bedroom use.
maybe something like da marshall mini amp?

Getting a adapter powered amp will be better. dont waste on batteries.
i would advise against getting the pocket amps on grounds of tone- these things are better novelty items than amps per se. i'd rather you invest in an equipment with headphones capability as the tone generated this way is much more pleasant than the small amps could offer. i have a Pocket POD set up this way:

Agree with sub, to add on, not only will you be able to practice silently, you can also get your favourite rock star's tones from online or use the provided software to edit and create your custom tones and store them into your pocket pod. And it doesn't always have to be silent, there is a line out for you to go through speakers too, if you want to hear your tone through a sound system, or amplified. It's really worth the investment!

Hahaha, that was just my two cents worth, hope that helped!

He mentioned davis my friend.

Davis fyi is a guitar shop located at peninsula. ( Basement. ) Walk to the end if youre coming from city hall mrt side. If youre entering from excelsior hotel its leading to the next building past a little ramp.
If you can strum using your right hand easily then get a right handed one.
im a lefty too and its really difficult for me to strum with my right hand, tried strumming with my right hand BEFORE settling for a left handed one. i cant even hold the pick properly with my right hand.

Simply imagine that there is a guitar placed on your lap and start strumming in the air. if you start strumming with your left handed then get a left handed one. if you start strumming with your right handed then get a right handed one.

Im currently using a J&D Stratocaster which i bought for 200~250 bucks at ranking. its not in stock over there anymore but i saw the exact same one at Music Theme for 250 bucks.
I start strumming naturally with my left hand but i think i am not too bad in right hand strumming either.

Anyways,where and how much do you get the POD thing for?
still, i think you should go left handed, its more of a natural thing. ;)

The POD is a Line 6 Product, available in City Music.There are different types of PODS, obviously the more expensive it is, the better it is. You will have to connect it to your pc and use your computer speakers to get a sound of of it. you can check out their website for more information,

Best is to up your budget by 200 or so, so that everything can be paid like straps, tuners, cables and other accessories.

btw, dont get a smarvo amp, i thought it was the best thing i ever heard then came the line 6 Spider III i thought nothing would ever sound better but actually, its at the bottom of the amplifier chain.
i was also told to start acoustic/classical first but i didt listen. Theres alot more versatility in electric guitars compared to acoustic. The most crucial factor is interest in genre. Pretty much no logic in buying a acoustic and leaving it 1-2 weeks later for a electric.

Finding a headphone guitar output source is a great choice. Especially as a beginner when you dont want your family and friends to listen to your Noise.
I use headphones 80% of the time nowadays due to the fact that i am never home before 8pm.