Vern goes insane and attempts to buy PRS Private Stock #1


New member
Crazed and delirious with GAS induced by recent tryouts of PRS guitars and chit-chat on the SOFT forum, Vern e-mailed PRS when he saw this baby:


Fortunately, he failed. Wonder how much that would have cost - no doubt Vern would have had no way to pay for it if they said 'yes'. E-mail reply from PRS below.


From: Vernplum
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 9:57 PM
To: Paul Reed Smith Customer Service
Subject: PS #1

Dear Paul Reed Smith guys

Supposing, just supposing I had enough cash to buy PS #1, how much would it cost me and how would I go about buying it (I live in Singapore) – would I just buy it directly from you?

Kind regards




Thank you for your interest in Paul Reed Smith Guitars. The Private Stock Guitars featured on our website are past examples of the Private Stock Shop’s efforts and are not for sale. Any information regarding current pricing, options and availability of PRS guitars, parts, or custom-built Private Stock guitars, can be obtained from your local authorized PRS dealer.

I hope you find this information helpful. Thank you for your continued support of Paul Reed Smith Guitars.

Shawn Nuthall

Customer Relations
Paul Reed Smith Guitars
380 Log Canoe Circle
Stevensville, MD 21666
Phone: 410.643.9970
Fax: 410.643.9980

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its a beauty...but it might cost a bomb...


the 100th post!!!
Erm u can order, i think i can get u the order form its online from a US store,.. but yeah itll cost a bomb, stock PS is around 10.000 USD... one o a kind though,...
More lah!

That's Private Stock #1 - *NUMBER ONE*

I'd venture to say that could be up to $50K of axe just because of the serial. :)

I wonder what I would have done if they'd said 'yep - we can sell it. Paypal ok for you?'
Yupz tt one will cost more, but u can always design one close to that one,.. trust me i tried,.. hahahaha i didnt dare send the quote though, a friend of mine sez itll be around 11-12K, mines based one the hollowbody II, with 3 pickups, its fun to design but i dun dare send the form hahaha
needy guitarist wont go n buy sumting more than 1 k i think..this is..whoa..cant find the 8.2k PRS at davis tho
Side track a bit u might wanna check out thorn guitars,
They do custom shop stuff and on par with PRS PS, at a fraction of the price, am saving up to get the artisan standard with korina wood hehehe
Lol.. Skarli Vern bought it with his credit card and decide to eat maggi for 3 months without all of us knowing.. Haha.. :smt075
vernplum said:
I wonder what I would have done if they'd said 'yep - we can sell it. Paypal ok for you?'

You'd probably would have chosen to use that credit card, go many months on mee, whilst selling butt to cover expenses and support the family hehehehe. :lol:
My butt not good enough for selling unfortunately... and if I ate 3 meals a day, with one packet of mee at an estimated cost of 25 cents per packet:

25 x 4 x 8200 / 3 / 365 = 29.95 years I would be eating mee to pay for that guitar...