US Fender Telecaster and STrat Parts


New member
Greetings. Some parts to let go at crazy pricing.

1) 52 US Reissue Telecaster single ply black pickguard. Played in and with Shielding underneath. Awesome seasoned look: $18/-.

2) 2 chrome strap knobs with 2 screws: $1/ each.

3) GE Smith Telecaster Special Bridge with saddles: $40/- (Do check out the video on U-tube)

4) Fender Stratocaster Jacket chrome Socket with 2 screws. Brand new and sealed : $5/-

5) Fender Stratocaster knobs (2 tone, 1 vol) from a US 1962 reissue strat. Gold wording and brand new: $5/-

Can sms to den at 90179293. Cheers.
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