
i owned a cube20 and honestly i didnt like it after some time.
to me, a good amp lasts the longest. u may switch ur guitars and even more, ur effect pedals. but amps are the foundation on which all other tone dictators shine through.
get a tube amp with a good clean channel first. (blackheart, epi vj, valbee, etc) these will enable your effect pedal (maybe a metal one for now) to shine through well. when things get progressive, you can get more pedals and they'll sound awesome too.
but settling for a lousy amp means ur pedals wont sound as good as they can. in the long run, you wont be hearing what you paid for.

lastly, you never know how good something sounds til you hear it for yourself. take ur cube15 to blackwood or something and A/B it with those huge mesas and whatever, and hear for yourself LIVE how a real tube amp sounds. for me, i threw away my cube after that.

2 cents!