Unsure about Emg 81 85's behaviour


New member
:( Hi I dont really know if emg 81 ,85s behave like this, "Apparently if my pick up switch is towards the neck and when i switch it down to the bridge it kinda becomes like a kill switch for a few seconds before the sound comes forth. Further to add... i aint sure if there is some wiring issues as i heard 81,85's had alot of good review. One it has a hell lot of feedback.... are these pick ups only meant for single stomp boxies??? As im rigged it into a multi efx board I need some light about whats going on with my pick up.

I Use D adarrio strings Nickel
My body is made out in a way that its extremely light and resonates well.
Im a verb, Delay,Dist junkie. I have even my sound suppressor at full... or is it the amp it only works with good amps only? Im lost whats goin on...

I opened up the back and all the wirings seem to be neat... and tidy and no loose ends. Help?