Ultralite tuner for musicman?


New member
is there any ultralite tuner for musicman stingray out there? i love stingray except abit unbalance while hold it on...if yes, where can i got it? n also, any suggestion to solve this unbalance problem? thanks
hang your bass higher until it hugs you .. really ..

i've worked with some neck heavy basses before .. and the solution is just to hang it higher ..

OR ..

get a leather strap .. the leather will grip unto your clothing thus making the bass more stable ..
get a leather strap .. or a heavier bridge ... why not try the leather strap . .it worked for me actually .. somehow lah .. kinda stuck to my clothing while i was playing .. i don't move around alot on stage so it works for me.
getting an ultralite tuner wont help a thing...bro,changing your tuner and make the bass stable is just your excuse to get new tuner la...
your tuner only make up 10-20%[perhaps less] of the bass weight....i think what exin bro said is right,you should invest on a good strap dude,it helps alot...
fyi,i have stingray and no such unbalance issues occured b4,unless i use those $10 hellokity strap la... :lol:
oic... by te way.. forget to tell that im using a stingray 5. its really have the unbalance issue...its head stock heavy n will drop a sight while hang it up.. im using a planet wave paded strap. i also got a leather strap, its helps, but i just dun like the unbalance feel come from the shoulder...so i need to make the head stock lighter.. think it will help.. just dunoo
thomascat: .. actually i would recommend that you find other ways to work around your stability issue. I think you MAY .. i'm may be wrong, lose some sustain to your tone if you lighten the mass at your headstock.

works on the principle of physics lah .. the more mass .. the more sustain you have .. that's why you have the FATFINGER.

I may be wrong though, gotta check it out ..
thank for the opinion... ha.. coz im the ex ibanez SG 2007 user.. its very heavy n stable bass... so not really used to musicman abit unstable at 1st.. try to get used to it .. n the leather strap really help.. thanks dude..