Ultimate Guitar makes a stand!

yep will do bro edder..

final paper coming up on monday.

Industrial Engineering.

boring module.
kid_slacker said:
and i dun even give a damn...

You just reminded me of a tv ad for a radio station. Where the Dad is watching his fat son playing tennis and certain words of the instrutor gets censored. Hmm, subliminal stuff?
Cant you see that ug is acutally mocking at the americans, the boy in the headphones is an american...... and well america is a democratic society
seriously,Communism was a great idea...equal for every brother...but the only problem is...there's always a communist leader...which there isnt supposed to be...understand what i mean? everyone should work together...

but what the hell,both democracy and communism cnt work well by its own..thats where u get Robotic Singapore..

as for UG...tabs are NOT perfect!! and they shouldnt be copyrighted!!! and not all artists have music sheets...
educational post of the day

That poster is meant to be satirical by playing on the MacCarthy era witch-hunt for communist sympathisers in the US. Like the MPA witch-hunt to protect their business interests. Communism strictly speaking is an economic system and its antithesis is capitalism. It just so happened the countries that adopted the communist system also happened to be authoritarian governments which is the antithesis of democracy. The difference between the consolidation of economic control and the cosolidation of political control. There aren't really anymore communist countries left except for North Korea. Russia and China now look more like authoritarian countries using the capitalist system to prusue nationalistic agendas. As the experience in our little island shows, you don't have to be a real democracy to be a dirty capitalist. 8)
acually communism in it's tr00 definition is the equality of all people AND the process of democratic rule. so really it's not communism versus democracy, but communism versus capitalism. capitalism being the ability of keeping porfits to yourself while communism meaning profits being absorbed by the state.

but anyway thank god for Russian ignorance to international legislation!!
the second welfare theorem of economics

The means of production baby.
super_punk said:
acually communism in it's tr00 definition is the equality of all people AND the process of democratic rule. so really it's not communism versus democracy, but communism versus capitalism. capitalism being the ability of keeping porfits to yourself while communism meaning profits being absorbed by the state.

but anyway thank god for Russian ignorance to international legislation!!

yeah i agree to that!

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