Tube amps


New member
Hey guys. Just wondering, i'm thinking of getting a new amp soon and i just asking for suggestions. Are there any tube amps here for around $600+? I play mostly metal.
AC15? Then can a MT2. Heh. Kidding.

Not much good high gain tube amp's for that price I'm afraid but a medium Vox with some good pedals could get your there. Or a Blackheart but their not the best without some juicing under the hood.
I don't know about death metal but you can nail Metallica and 80's heavy metal stuffs. Pretty good for its price. But no much head room in clean channel tho.
I tested the Blackstar HT-5 combo before. It's pretty good, especially the od/dist for a small 1x10 package. IMHO, the HT-5 is the best practice/bedroom amp I came across - on quality and value. But since I already got a good tube amp, I bought myself the HT-Dual valve pedal instead. It's basically the same pre-amp section of the HT-5, with a 12AX7 tube running at 300v inside. Pretty good too. ;)
You can get one at less than half the price. Serious!

The 7th into my AC4tv well sounds bigger and more mesa-ish than a mesa dual recto tremoverb i abed with...

I'm talking about distortion soundwise at the same volume of course.