Tube amp owners

I leave my amp on standby for a minute before turning it on. Cool off? I just switch off my amp and leave it there. :S Am I doing it wrong?
How you gonna cool it without turning off ?

Just turn off with reverse of turning on...bring volume to '0' then standby off then power off.
how do you do that though? the tubes continue to be warmed until you turn it off. EDIT ^oh i see. thanks. i don't usually turn down the volume before switching off the amp. maybe i should.
... turning volume to '0' keeps away unwanted future surprises and keeps pots healthy too. Best to work the pots ones a month by turning all pots from one end to the other and back again x5. This keeps em clean of crackle.
Switch it ON but still on standby, after 1 min switch from Standby to ON.

Switch from ON to Standby, after 1 min switch from ON to OFF.

I am using Fender Twin Amp, that's the sequence I use. Somewhere in the manual they talk about similar procedure.