True S'pore Ghost Stories: Short Movies...



anyone watched the above yet? any comments? IMO they need to do better in the cosmetics department- for the ghosts...
I watched them late one night over at a friend's house. They're good for a cheap laugh. I can't really even remember what the stories were about. Production values aren't really great and for a horror production, most ideas are stale and the pacing sucks. The only good horror production I've watched so far was the penanggal episode in Incredible Tales. But that was largely a malaysian production if i'm not wrong.
Anyone watched the Bloody Mary episode in the Incredible Tales yesterday? What you think of an old western superstition happening in sg?
To be honest,singapore`s ghost stories/movies really bore me.i prefer thai ghost movies.jap and korean ones are ok ok only..depending on the story
haha eh i got pretty scared for one or 2 of the shows. but their makeup is pretty fake.
my friend fell asleep -.- haha
there are 2 releases already for this show, haven't watched the 2nd yet though
watever ghost movie, i will avoid american ones, some even copy from Asian movie,but IMO, Japanese and Korean Ghost movie the best
The Exorcist is one of the best horror movies i have ever seen and it`s not asian.
but nowdays,the american ghost movies are quite boring.don`t you think?
The current asian horror production with their typical long-haired female ghost in white robes is just as bad as their western counterparts. The last few horror movies I watched that didn't bore me to death or made me cringe was Michael Haneke's Funny Games, Haute tension, Todd Solonz's Happiness, and also Irreversible, though that's more of a disturbing movie. Some asian highlights include Miike's Audition, The Tale of Two Sisters and of course, Ringu. Also, the guinea pig series.
The exorcist has always been one of my all time favorites maybe because its based on a true exorcism of a little boy.

Remember watching it as a kid and being scared shitless. The book is even worse.
Yeah The Exorcist was definately the most frightening ... damm recently we had that prank post with the Excorcist head - jeez even THAT WAS scary too man ....
Actually, I think horror movies are a joke.

I remembered watching White Noise and Ju-On. But I always burst out laughing. It got way too ridiculous.

And partially because Scary Movies had affected me. Can't remember a horror movie that got me gripped.
The Exorcist is definately my all time fav horror film. Do also check out the Director's Cut version as it features additional and originally intended scenes.

The first time I watched the original japanese The Ring (way before it came to the big screen in SG), it gave me shivers as well.

Other than that horror movies have been quite bland and forgettable in my book. The "Sudden Shock You" techniques have been overused time and time again.
Horror movie? The last one I watched was Singapore vs Uzbekistan...ARRRGH. Still have nightmares of that one. :S

But generally i dislike American horror. They're mostly stale and predictable nowadays, playing to the lowest denominator with copious amounts of gore and no idea of tone, mood or subtlety. Exorcist was an exception. Damn the masturbation scene creeps me out just thinking about it.
Speaking of Stanley Kubrick, I trust most to have watched 'A Clockwork Orange'. Classic ultraviolence!

Those looking for a good recent horror movie, try watching The Girl Next Door. No not the one with Elisha Cuthbert. (although it's worth watching for her too)
The Girl Next Door (2007)

Also if it's anything true to the original, the new Funny Games remake starring Naomi Watts should be a decent watch too.

Not really straight-up horror, but still awesome is Cronenberg's Eastern Promises. The bathhouse fight scene alone is worth the price of admission.