trivium on tv?


New member
i tinhk im jus a noob but have been hearing it a few times already to fnally say hey isnt that pull harder on the strings of your martyr on the s league adevertisement?its in the backgorund kinda muted but still can be like hmm those guys who did the ad must be metalheads or wad huh?either that or they re recent converts into metal.either way eccentric i guess its the best word tro describe it.any one wanna share urr thoughts?cheers
Hahaha...That one still ok...
I remember watching Malaysia Channel got some Final Fantasy VII PS1 battle or some part of the Game Song,
More classic.
i remembered channel5 using metallica's master of puppets and some meshuggah song for the sleague adverts.

i think the songs really fit the adverts though

and quite long ago they used HIM for an advert oso

but cannot remember when haha
Nothing to be surprised though. Its just that these adverts are probably done up by "young and new" video editors who are fans of these bands. To them its also a perfect chance to showcase non-mainstream music to the masses by adding these short clips to their adverts.

And as long as it works, why not. Plus I don't mind hearing Arch Enemy coming off my TV speakers for once... :mrgreen:
haha yea got to agree im takin video editing too.and im a big fan of metal.hopefully i can get a job on tv so i can use some metal on the tv.haha.solely for the songs to be aired and not coz im desperate for a soundtrack to accompany the ad.shh...hehe
I think most of you would be happy to know that the original Power Rangers theme song is a metal song by buckethead. :twisted:
I think placing metal in the s-league ads is kinda retarded. Good music used at the wrong time for the wrong event. I remembered 2-3 years ago, it was all hip-hop and reggaeton for S-league ads or for most ads. Nowadays, I hear NIN for CSI?! what the hell?!
Ai yo why you people complaining? Wasnt the popularisation of metal music always what we yearn and complain about the lack thereof?
It's the misuse of it and the awkwardness of having alot of people not fully understanding the real value of the music.

On the contrary, I'm one of the people that DON'T wish for Metal "Mainstreamity". It's great as it is, it has a great following from people who care about the music.