Trimbre, Squire or Shine?


New member
Just wanted to find out which of these three brands of guitar would u recommend for a newbie (for strat) like me??? Reasons?

By the way, where do Trimbre and Shine made from? :roll:
save up more and get a fender. it will follow u longer

It also means longer to save up to get... haha..

Just kidding :)

Would like to have a fender, but may not be so soon i think...
fender? siao ah!
so early get a fender.. haha.. its a worthy investment lah..
but you should start small..
there's been a lot of hoo hah about the timbre recently..
if not u can check out davis.. they sell nice starter packs..
ranging from LTD, Silvertone, TGM, etc etc.
i think for a newbie, a good SX will do..there 2/10 guitars produced are really2 good(i mean for the price). SX is cheaper than Squire. it's just my personal opinion. i've tried those strats and les pauls. works fine and the feel also is kinda good.
I would say get the Timbre guitar.. Heard a lot of good reviews about it..
Even Pauldanial was impressed by it..

Cheers.. :D
i got a timbre for sale...sr200...for 200 cheap! pm me if ur interested. :lol:

gosh im a spammer.
Timbre strats are nice, gave one a try when I went to Standard Value (#01-132, Block 2A Woodlands Centre Road) and it was a beauty. Sounded great too. But I'm a rock / metal guy so I bought an Ibanez instead as those have humbackers.

It certainly felt more than the price suggests, and really, I could not see any part of it that looked 'cheap'. Price at standard value is $290 if I'm not wrong. But try it out yourself though.
sorry la deathism... but..
TIMBRE GUITARS ARE AVAILABLE WITH MAPLE FRETBOARDS NOW!! pics should be up. even i'm eyeing one...
but i think for a starter, u may wanna venture into the 400-600 range.. it does make you wanna play more if you get a nice axe with nice looks and nice sound..
but if you opt for a cheaper guitar, say SX, get a good amp.. good amps sure follow u a long way..
I'm one of those who would only ever play on rosewood fretboards. Personal preferences, I guess. But anyway..

Timbre. Go check them out at SV. Good feel and low price, great for beginners like yourself.
I would actually recommend you a squier, as it has the next closest specs to fender. The squier cali series are worth a go, and pretty much value for money! Get a better axe la, as it can inspire you to play more ( worked for me though). :p
All these 3 brands make decent beginner guitars (if u dun venture in to the affinity series Squiers) but i personally have a preference 4 timbre. Go try out these 3 brands, let ur ears do the decision-making.