Tremors reported in several areas following Sumatra quake

its not the natural disasters, its the way we deal with it that calls for concern.
just because its "NATURAL" does not mean we cannot do anything about it. We can build earthquake proof buildings, hurricane shelters, give ample warning.. etc.

and these cyclones aren't exactly very "natural"
the unusual intensity of the cyclones can be attributed to human factors, the mismanagement of relief efforts in the aftermath of the cyclone is obviously
100% a man made disaster.
Yup I agree with hifi_killer. The response is what's important.

However, the point I was trying to make was that people shouldn't go all gar gar about the world ending just because the news are reporting about them, although it seems to be a recurring theme in forums everywhere. And no, hifi_killer, no no no. The cyclone is definitely natural, and there's nothing exceptionally intense about it. Unless you have any credible sources saying that is is?

EDIT: Nah kahuna. We're just talking cock together in the kopitiam. It isn't air-conditioned, but it's got fans to keep cool!
hey trowaclown i tink u got me wrong haha, what i meant is the weather later is really hot even at night

Your ignorance demeans you my friend. I didnt mention anything about the world ending, although I did say that it is an indication that there is something wrong with the world. The fact is, the increasing number of occurences of such disaster and at such magnitude is pretty much shocking. And how certain are you that the actions of the global population has no bearings on NATURAL disasters?

Since we humans arent out of this world, technically we're all natural heh. So I guess whatever we do is just natural.
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1. Errrr. Champion's League is way outa my league there. I don't even know who the cup went to.

2. kahuna: Oh yeah definitely. And my room hasn't got air-conditioning. :(

3. Raistmar: No lah. Of course you didn't say anything about the world ending. But someone did earlier. And again, let me reiterate my point: there is nothing unusual about the recent cyclones and earthquakes. If you have any hard evidence or statistics to back your point up about "increasing number of occurences of such disaster and at such magnitude", I'd be more than willing to concede. Lastly, even though "technically we're all natural", I wouldn't consider our actions such. Rainforests don't deforest themselves naturally, and fossil fuels don't burn themselves naturally to pump CO2 into the atmosphere.
Something big is certainly happening to our planet, natural or not. Personally I don't even think its the apocalypse, doomsday or whatever. Cyclones, earthquakes, etc are more or less natural of course, and a sharp rise indicates that something big is happening to the Earth. But global warming, temperatures rising, these are due to the pollution we humans have released into the environment.

Problem is, at the age of discovery it had not been discovered that our pollution affects the Earth so much, its only coming to light when the effect has become noticeable.
So you're saying that global warming, deforestation has nothing, at all, to do with cyclones/tsunami/earth quakes/land slides/droughts/hurricanes<insert any other NATURAL disaster here>?

It has been well established that over the past several decades' global surface temperature including the sea surface temperatures over most tropical oceans basins have increased. Within the field of climate science it is well accepted that the most likely cause of the observed increased of global mean surface temperature is a long term increase in greenhouse gases. Understanding that weather and climate is the combination of sun/heat, air/wind and water/oceans & seas, it is expected that any long term changes due to global warming will affect atmosphere natural disasters.

You also might want to read this:
The formation of cyclones is a natural thing. It was happening even before humans evolved from monkeys. It is a natural disaster in that sense. It is only more frequent now because our entire weather system has changed. And why has it changed? Global warming. Cyclones were a natural disaster, but its their rise in frequency that's partially man-made. In that respect, you are right. I acknowledge that. But the nature of cyclones and hurricanes is natural.

Global warming certainly does not cause earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. At least, not directly. True, the digger our mines reach into the Earth, the more weak spots there are in our crust. But this is not at all a result of global warming. It is a result of humans creating these weak spots.

So concluding what I've said, I'm not saying that natural disasters are purely natural. Their nature is purely natural, but of course humans have affected their frequency and even their magnitude at times. But, these disasters have been here even before we were.
Umm, I really didnt say anything about cyclones and such to be 'un-natural'. I'm sure such things happened even before humans existed. Thats not my point. And my post was directed to trowaclown.
i'm cool with natural disasters. overpopulation is a serious problem in this day and age. sometimes you have to take one for the team.
somehow or other I see storms brewing up in this thread and natural disasters looming ...

Armeggadon will be the mods locking it ... :confused:
dir: Culling of human beings like you implied is just wrong man. And questions of morals aside, it won't do anything since those who're most likely to die are the most helpless ones. The American who drives his gas guzzling Ford to work, from his suburban home with a huge swimming pool and hourly watered lawns, is more likely to survive than a poor farmer from Bangladesh.

Raistmar: Errrr. Let's get specific. Firstly, humans can only affect the environment on a small scale. Yes, arsonists can cause huge forest fires, deforestation causing landslides, extraction of groundwater causing sinkholes etc.

But the huge guys like cyclones, earthquakes etc are in no way caused or worsened by us! Someone mentioned that our mining weakens the crust. No no no. The world's deepest mine is a tiny shaft less than 4km deep, while the average continental crust is 40km thick. In no way does mining weaken the crush and cause/worsen earthquakes.

Furthermore, your Deutsche Bank report was released in 2001, and its stand is that "climate change is suspected to be the cause of more frequent and more severe natural disasters". Considering that even your source isn't certain, that sorta works against you doesn't it?

In addition, things are in such a muddle there is no way you can pin the blame of increase storms (yes they are increasing) on global warming. To namedrop, let's just use the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation, the thermal halide cycle, el nino and la nina and lastly the Milankovitch cycle. Each of these affect global temperatures and each other, and their relationships are so complex, where will you even start to pinpoint, "There! Humans and CO2 are causing more hurricanes!"

To the threadstarter: Oh man I think we hijacked your thread and opened up a can of worms to go with it. My bad my bad.
yeah you're right, sometimes it's not about quantity, but quality of life. Anyone remember hurricane katrina in 2005? and by contrast, does anyone remember hurricane mitch in the same year?

natural disasters are serious business. also i don't know much about geography or natural or man-made disasters, but I think Al Gore might be on to something with his fancy shmancy documentary about global warming. some crazy shit is going on in the world, but at least now people are taking notice.