tremolo bridge


New member
i think this belongs here... but just wondering does all tremolo bridge have to be parallel to the body? (as in its flat) ??? *coz if so whoever has this guitar before me put in a different gauge from default -_-
What kind of tremolo is it?

In case its a floyd rose, i'll just explain here...
As far as I know, a lot of ppl setup their floyds to the wrong floating angle. For a Floyd Rose guitar, its unreliable to always take the guitar's body as the angle for perfect float. What if you have an arch top? Or like me, an Ibanez S series?

Then its totally wrong to use the top of the floyd's saddles to judge if its at perfect float, because your saddles move with the fine tuners.

And its also not a fool proof method to always use the base plate to judge for perfect float because bridges like the Ibanez Edge and Lo Pro Edge (along with a few more) do not have a flat base plate.

Thing is you got to compare to the Tremolo Posts. And if its an Ibanez trem with a slanted base plate, you will have to use the knife edges (it can be seen at the sides of the trem) and make that perpendicular to the trem post. If your's is an OFR trem or a licensed version with a flat base plate, then its easy, make that perpendicular to the tremolo post.
in short, most of the time, preferably flat, or just slightly rising or dropping depending on ur tastes.

in long (and u can read how to set up if u have a floyd):

hope this helps :)

yep daniel is also correct in his stuff (i think). i not that pro know these stuff yet lah... heh :p
Doesn't it feel good when finally after minutes of exhausting adjustment u finally see some near perfect alignment? Itz as nearly a gd feeling as sex :lol:
schred said:
Doesn't it feel good when finally after minutes of exhausting adjustment u finally see some near perfect alignment? Itz as nearly a gd feeling as sex :lol:

maybe i can add to that if you tell me what to align it to
Like SC said, it depends on what kinda trem bridge ye got. If the base is flat, then just align it with ur body, make sure when u look frm the top, everything looks parallel.
itachi, an ILT1 bridge is a licensed floyd bridge... if I am not wrong, its base plate is flat thru out.

So using the base plate as a reference, get it to be perpendicular to your tremolo posts.

The link that Thor666 gave, althought its for the Edge series, will give you a good idea of what I'm talking about.

And schred, i didn't say align with your guitar's body; its align perpendicular to the trem posts.
ShredCow said:
itachi, an ILT1 bridge is a licensed floyd bridge... if I am not wrong, its base plate is flat thru out.

So using the base plate as a reference, get it to be perpendicular to your tremolo posts.

The link that Thor666 gave, althought its for the Edge series, will give you a good idea of what I'm talking about.

And schred, i didn't say align with your guitar's body; its align perpendicular to the trem posts.
Thtz what i meant bt i didnt have the word for it at tht moment it seems like i dont understand wich is wich :lol: So i just stated body since everything is on the body lol.