trace-elliot Bass Bk


New member
Anyone know the bass amp trace-elliots is bk some said no more, pls share yr view with me, i use on a gibson bass sound good and nice and power.
Sweelee is bringing it in soon. The last i asked, they still have no idea when the stocks are coming in.

Trace has been bought over by peavey but the amps are still built in england.
haha well Trace Elliot are not known for producing low-end equipment in the first place, so they can't be any cheaper than when they were last available i reckon.
swee lee has them... juz tested out a bass there last erm... weds...

no comments. cause i really haven't tested out enuff bass amps 2 give a proper one...

sounds nice though haha...
swee lee has them... juz tested out a bass there last erm... weds...

no comments. cause i really haven't tested out enuff bass amps 2 give a proper one...

sounds nice though haha...

They have them now? haha. Just aked at the shop on 2nd april and they said they did not have any idea as to whats going on with trace elliot amps. Whats the price range like?