Too many gigs?


New member
some reminders and add on..
hi people..there's no point telling you weather im doing this for money or what cause mainthing is up to you..if you talk/know me will know.

just a's 50-50..i can say and say it with pride
that im doing this for passion
it's always good to see a smile from bands...and their bonding grew stronger!

that's what i am as an organiser

from last year thread


hi.. as mention on the tittle ..Too much gigs..
my motive here is to see what do you guys think about this..


izit good or bad?
just this question...

others like/responsible/money/marketing/or trashing your crap shit about no link to this
if you want to post somthing that's no related on that question..please you can go other thread and post..

in this issue/i have no intention on flaming people,no huge crowd in my gig or jerlous about others organiser getting instant cash...alright people!

so what your thoughts and view on this
1)is there any solution for this?
2)what the advantage and disadvantage IF THIS CARRY ON..
hope you can voice out anything...thanks...
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hey no offence to you

but if this is really your ricebowl and you need the money badly to survive

just go find yourself a part time job that has a steady income
haha 16 and already taking about ricebowl... how cute can u be... wait till u turn 20... haha maybe u need a rice cooker... haha good luck
I find it pretty amazing that someone whose name is filling up half the gigs section is suggesting that there are too many shows.

I don't get what your point is really, you're saying that having more shows to choose from is bad?
erm...i don't know Sher T

this is somthing which came across my mind la
and im seeking you people thoughts on this.
ok...i mean,..there's always

Right and Wrong...BLACK AND WHITE PEOPLE!!!

on whatever issue you're talking about.

so maybePEDIALITE you're giving an good side of the story

what about the disadvantages of it?
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ok...i mean,..there's always

advantage and dis-advantage on whatever issue you're talking about.

so maybePEDIALITE you're giving an advantage answer..

whatever disadvantage?
The scene is pretty much the same right now as it was back then, the only difference being the scene is saturated with emo/pop punks bands now. Nothing wrong with this obviously, since the majority of people that go for these 'diy' shows are teenagers anyway.

There's still a real lack of quality gigs though. talking about show quality?

for Sher T --thanks for taking your time reading...
you can..look at other thread!!! don't need to read this anymore..thanks!
disadvantage? no one turning up for your gigs? standards not met?

like what pedialite said more shows = scene growing

guyrence are you scared of losing out with other organizers?
just wondering no offenece

anway your only 16 so take things step at a time, its alrite to lose out ,make mistakes but learn from them

who knows years to come with experience you might do zoukout or other big events... 're cool...alright..i get what you're trying to say Sher-T!

hmmm .you don't sleep early ..don't you?

hmm..losing's not's just music and fine&cool

hahaha..zoukout --haven't thought of that....

ok..thanks...there's always this rushing feeling it you when you want somthing..hahaha...ok..alright.!! im fine...!!