tone of ibanez rg and les paul


New member
My ibanez sounds alot thinner than my les paul

and i am beginning to dislike playing the ibanez guitar?
as it sounds very thin right after i unplug the les paul and change to the ibanez

though they are both using the same EMG pick up set

they sound very different, the les paul on the other hand sounds very aggressive and thick
the ibanez sounded thin and weak

could it be the battery?

i installed 2 x 9v batteries in the les paul
I thought using EMGs will sound all the same using different wood? Since its active.? Correct me if im wrong
i think its due to the body of the guitar. Different wood used, different tone. :D or mabbe u fall in love with yr les paul (like me) and juz wanna find some reasons to get rid of yr ibanez. Cheers!
at first i tot the les paul was hard to play
now ive grown to like it alot
the tone is thick n creamy

ibanez is bass wood

it now sound like a bunch of metal clanking strings
hmmm? Many ppl have reported EMGs sound the same across different guitars...

Anyway, 2x 9v batteries in your LP means your emgs there are running on 18v? Would that make a diff?
Coz he is using an "Active" Pickups. Active pickups like EMG needs Batteries Unlike Passive pups :D
hmm dont think emg sounds the same on all guitar

it sounded radically different

yes its running on 18v
i connected it in series

it sounds more tight and punchy

emg suppose up to 27v
Jr-V said:
I thought using EMGs will sound all the same using different wood? Since its active.? Correct me if im wrong

This ideology has to change. Even though the pickup is voiced by using an active preamp system, the body woods affect the tone too, subtly/significant dependant on shape and how they resonate.

EMG's can go up to 27, but the difference is quite insignificant as compared to using 18v, unless you have highly sensitive ears, you wouldn't be able to tell the diff between the 2.

Why don't you bring the Ibanez up to 18v as well? It'll open up the headroom and make the pickup more responsive.
Yeap... bring it up to 18v too.

Anyway, these guitars were meant for different applications... the RG with trem, thin/fast neck and elongated horns, meant for rock/metal... the LP has a clasic look... meant for... well.. ppl who like fatter tones. :)
If it still doesn't sound fat enough for you at 18v then just install an EMG SPC. Should give you all the fatness you need :wink:
you know... if i put it before my distortion... I don't hear a LOT of mid boost happening? The thing works best with single coils IMO... my friend had an EMG SPC with his EMG singles.. and it really made a big difference... chugga!

Or maybe the demeter's 14dB ain't enough... should try the Fender Eric Clapton mid boost.. 25dB should suffice...

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