Unlike most people, I like to define the word "tone" in the literal sense of it, I guess:
tone - Definitions from Dictionary.com
If the term "tone is in the finger" is true, then we all would settle for a starter kit unit already.
Instead, we spend hundreds and thousands to hear a certain sound come out of our guitar. To me, that is TONE. Tone is the signature sound that a guitarist make with his guitar. A guy playing the same song will have two different sound when played on different equipment. Whatever sound that comes out will be subjected to preference you will like one sound more than the other.
That is why there are guitarist out there (and in this forum), no matter how good they are, is forever searching for that ever elusive "tone" ie they embark on a "tone quest".
As a drummer, I believe you should understand what I am talking about: material used for the set, the skin, the stick, cymbals etc all factors in to that certain tone. Maybe it is not as predominant in drums (I wouldn't know, though) but I for sure know a couple of guitar peeps here who are very meticulous with tone. Why do you think the modern guitar greats want certain customisations done for the instrument they play? Cos they want to hear good things from what they play. That is tone.
You can be a great player; every nuances, picking and bending you do is tip top, you are as SKILLED as Satriani, but a 10 watt amp isn't gonna Give you the TONE as much as a full stack tube marshall would. You listen to a nice song, it takes you through many emotions. You hear a nice tone, you will feel it and that will certainly give your playing the extra edge in SOUL.
SKILLS + TONE = Signature SOUL