to all muslim softies....

AAAHH!! All the good food in my school from the malay stall is no more. Looks like i'll be saving some money too.
Should we all blanjah muslim softies for free jam during ramadhan? it is an act of kindness!~ or at least help they carry heavy guitars and effect box?
Thanks Juno....

Less makan, supposedly to have more money, but I seem to be more broke at the end of Ramadhan. Why why tell me why
foxblinkhope: its thursday..confirmed.

kissmyaxe: cos..during ramadhan..they got those bazaar ramadhan..all those not to splurge..summore..right after tt hari sure u'll blow ur load of cash on smth for the festival right?

for me..i juz need retail therapy. :lol:
people should start giving out guitar stuff on hari raya

maybe set of picks, strings, or cables or capo or

evne better, pedals :lol:
rajin2 lah kamu semua bertadarus :D

happy fasting everyone...

btw, if anyone sees any pakcik minum kopi and isap rokok at coffeeshop, go up to them and ask them..

"pak cik, cik datang bulan eh pak cik????"

Unfortunately, my neighbours was one of those "pak cik" so when i asked him why he drank teh susu during the holy month of ramadhan, he said he was sick."

hmmmmm :o

oh btw, less food = NO ALLOWANCE = LESS GEARS.
less money spent = MORE GEARRRR!!!
my wishlist is ever increasing, and i need to strike some things off by actually owning them..
yahooo... time of the year again.... cant wait...
your guys are ryte...
less dining, more $$$
but remember, read between the lines,
more $$$, more belanja at Bazaar ramadhan at geylang
less dining, more$$$.... more $$$ to be given to the kids.....

go back to square one
Wow... Well, lemme take the opportunity to wish all muslim softies....

Happy fasting...

Hear no evil, speak no evil and see no evil hor.... Hahakz...

And yes I find it:

No allowance = Less gears

Even normal days also I didn't get any allowance.... Hahakz... Oh well...
worst part is.. i live quite close to geylang..
cannot be tempted to shop there!
must... think.. gears!
haha.. happy fasting all!