tips on buying a mic


New member
hey people,

i'm planning to buy a mic cos the mic at the studio we jam doesn't smell all that great. anyone can give some pointers on how to buy a mic. eg where to find, what to look out for, reasonable cost for reasonble quality. not looking for super good high end ones. just something to substitue for what most jamming studios would use.

$100? i dunno whats reasonanble so its an adjustable budget. i see some going for 30 bucks and i read post of ppl spending 3-4 k. i just want one thats good enuf for jamming purposes. one which i would buy if i was an owner of a jamming studio. good enuf to satisfy my customers but not too ex cos they may thrash it.
For your needs, look for dynamic microphones. You can't go wrong with the industry standards like the Shure SM58 or Sennheiser e800 series.
beware of copy sm 58 - yes... they have copies of thse too comlp[ete with boxes and all...
beware of copy sm 58 - yes... they have copies of thse too comlp[ete with boxes and all...

how to tell if it's a copy? there are some sellers around who claimed to be selling real SM58s for 100 dollars or so.... even in this forum. not sure if these are trustworthy to buy from.
Go to Shure website or search Internet how to differentiate. Like I search for how to differentiate between a faked Beta 58A and a real one. Real one the blue band is thinner, if open the round top, the initial of the QC person should be there, and the foam is grey, and on the outside, the Shure engraved is clearer.

Nowadays I see some ppl have whole lot of Shure to sell in Sound-Gear Section ... a bit doubtful ... cos I read review, they say faked Shure quite rampant in Asia, especially in Hong Kong.

But buying from authorised dealer is safe :D.
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