yes im malay.
apasal kau tanak percaya?
look at freeflowclass's thread above.
a point to prove.
ive known them since their fell from grace days.
im no friend of them but ive been observing.
10 years in the local scene,i know it all.
ive been to most gigs.
ive been there done that.
i know.
and i hate these kind of attitude fucks from bands.
im sorry.
but someone have to voiceout.
Well, firstly, so what if you're 10 years in the scene?
Big deal.
Don't act like you know it all.
I can undersand if u hate attitudes from these band.
But how is the local music industry grow if people like you keep being childish about the whole situation?
Cursing and dissing wont do anything for these musicians.
You're just contributing to more hate among urselves.
I've been to quite a number of gigs myself and sometimes,
it's not always the bands faults.
For example, the rockon gig at dxo, AES was suppose to performed at 5pm but they were skipped twice and ended up performing at around 7pm.
And the gig organisers fucked them and asked them to apologised to the next band coz apparently AES took their time and performed a song 3 times.
Now, let me ask you, is it fair that they were skipped twice and accused of playing a song 3 times?
Who in the right fuckin minds would play a song 3 times?
The two bands before them didnt even apologised to them but challenge them to fight fot the stage instead when AES told them that by right it's their turn.
Gig organisers, isnt it ur duty to make sure that all the bands played at the scheduled time?
The gig that happens nowadays require bands to sell tickets.
And these bands sell tickets to their friends.
And those who bought the tickets just came to watch their friends and left after that.
So what's the point going to the gig and wasting ur 12 bucks when all you do is sit and watch your friend performed and go home?
You might just as well go watch your friend jam at a jamming studio.
I'm just voicing out my view.
No offence to anyone.