thinking of new pickups


New member
hey guys..i'm thinking of getting new pickups cuz i feel that my current ones are rather weak? i'm not so sure but i would like to hear some suggestions from all of you. the bass i currently have is a highway 1 j-bass..i would like a sound that is clear and punchy..and hopefully the magnets are strong as well. Thanks! i don't know if u need to know this but its passive and hopefully i dun have to change that aspect of it. Thanks again!
Are you looking at passive pickups, or are you considering going active, preamp and all?

For the passive route, I think Seymour Duncan pickups are pretty punchy and clear. They're pretty good value for money too.

As for the active alternative, I can't really tell you much about preamps, as I'm quite a caveman when it comes to those. As for pickups, you can probably try EMGs if you're going for clarity. If you're looking for more warmth, Bartolinis would be a good idea. I haven't quite heard what active Duncans sound like yet, but I've read some decent reviews.
1) are your strings old?
2) how's your amp EQ set?

Jazz basses are some of the punchiest things out there :?

If you want strong magnets, get the AlNiCo pup sets. Or get pretty much anything from Seymour Duncan like RentaBass said.. they're pretty good value for money if your want to keep your budget around $100. You can get punchy tone without an onboard preamp, no problem 8)
my strings are quite old but even when i first changed them they were not very clear and punchy,although they were better than the ones that came with it. and yea,thx for the insight on seymour duncans..i think i'll stay on the passive side..but around how much are the AlNiCo pickups?
Seymours are around 130 - 150 for a 4-string jazz bass pickup set if i'm not wrong. If you want that clarity and volume, you can try EMGs, but you can't go wrong with Seymour Duncans ... EMGs are quite hot and they are active, means you need a battery to run the pickups.

You can try to adjust your pickup height if you find that your pickups are kinda weak, sometimes it may just be that your pickups are too "low" ... they find it hard to "see" your strings so that may explain why. You can try lowering your string height and raising your pickup height first to see whether it works ... i figured HIGHWAY J-bass pickups are sustainable so you may want to try that out first before changing. Sometimes a good setup can solve alot of problems that we bassist face. =)
basslines are generally around the $100 area.

What strings do you have on now? Try switching to DRs :D
so can teach how to lower strings? i not too sure about these things. And ard how much should i lower it by?