The When I Turned 18 Thread™


New member
For those who were below 18 years of age,what do you have in your mind when you turned 18 in the future??

And for those who were 18 and above,what is so good/fun of being a 18 years of age person??

My Opinion is:

Although I'm turning 16 this 21st March,I do wait for my turn when I am 18 because:

*I can apply for driving/riding license

*Look for jobs easier

*Hmm maybe old enough to be independent


What I WONT(maybe):

*buy condom

*buy cigarrette

*go pubs,discos

*Buy beer,drink...

Please post your opinions and suggestions:)

i'm turning 18 next month and all i have to say is," so fast?!"

woo M18 movies, here i come!

oh yes. and driving. can't forget driving
hahah jugman! 6 days apart! celebrate together?? dime's turning 18 near ours too!

well...yeah TS, u did came up with the same points i intended to write. though abit diff la..

what u will not do, i will...eheheh.oooopss
When I turned 18 many years ago I was:

still in Pre U with no worriies except studies ...

happy unattached ... and double dating hot babes with aquanaut

just into my 1st year of playing guitar and my first band Shades was just coming together.

Repaired my first guitar

Doing tough jobs during my school vacation to earn extra $$$

Those were happy days indeed.

Enjoy your fountain of youth fellow softies for these are your glory days, they will pass U by in the wink of a young girl' s eye ...
I'm one year past eighteen already, heh heh. Makes me feel a bit old and out of times >_<.

When I turned 18, I:
- Started drinking*
- Formed a rock band
- Started into radical hairstyles

Heh heh! I'll never ever smoke while I live, though. Breathing discarded smoke from other people damages my body enough... I always get it blown full in the face for some reason.

* drink responsibly! Just because you're over 18 doesn't mean you can get yourself drunk and make a big jackass of yourself and irritate others.
im 17 this year.
and i first rode a bike when i was 16. my brother's one.
hahahha. now still riding but not so much . scared already after my friend got caught.

but i still cant wait to drive legally.
driving to school should be fun !

can take license when 18 right ?
heard kenna push to 21 or smth.
18... was a great year for me...
working part time at dhl, keep long hair, drink, smoke freely...
those were the 'glory' young and dangerous days.
keep long hair, have many galfrds.
Turning 18 in august.... nothing really exciting? Maybe getting my drivers license thats all..

16 just held such better days.. bunch of young punks in secondary school, united and lovelovelovelovelovelovelovelove every single thing up and breaking every single rule!
18 ah... 7 more months. Will probably do nothing since it's no big deal also.

Have to wait till 21 before my parents gimme the key to freedom zZzz