The US Presidential Elections

you seem to know alot vaiyen.
you sure are interested in politics.

but based on what youve said, dont it seem stupid?
your supporting someone else on just because your initial vote was casted off.
and this McCain is on the same team? your basically they are supporting just for the sake of the part and not based on the good of the country?
yea, most pple vote for their own benefits. It's just human nature.
The pro-gun, anti-abortion, pro-evangelism groups can count on the Republican McCain to push their agenda, to a greater or lesser extent. His maverick tendencies will be reined in by these forces if he takes office, I'm sure. I've never heard of a President who strays far from the bedrock of his Party's principles.
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To me, all the talk about economies/protectionism/tax/growth PALES in comparison to the loss of human lives and degradation of environment.

While I agree with you, you have to remember that Americans are in this elections to elect THEIR own president. No matter how far-reaching the consequences will be, Americans will be first and foremost concerned with the local ramifications. Which means that economy issues will be the key battlefield between Obama and McCain. Like it or not, Americans quite simply will not support a President who's gonna ignore the economy.
that's why i prefaced my statement with "to me...". :)
and that is why I find it hard to understand non-Americans who back McCain, merely by virtue of his economic positions.
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But to the world, the election of Obama or McCain matters drastically.

Ah, I remember Senator McCain now. His vote in the Iraq War Resolution. Ahem.

Anyway McCain promised a full drawback of troops by 2013. Do you guys really believe the Iraq War, as he put it, would have totally ended?

While McCain's tax proposals will cash in with the middle-class, I guess Obama's policies of universal healthcare will likely to be more incentive. Think. Healthcare affects EVERYONE. And the poorest of the poorest will also stand to gain. Also, he won't be protecting the interests of oil companies with his focus on the environment at the same time.

I think Obama will sound really better.

In the long-run, I guess Obama's policies will just click.

Besides, he's against the Iraq war. That's good enough.
It seems like the prevailing "wisdom" here is that anyone advocating the fastest exit strategy from Iraq must be the better candidate. Let's not debate the advisability of starting the Iraq war - that is a done deal, for better or worse. You are now the President and there are more than 150,000 of your troops in Iraq and the war effort is costing your country something like US$3 trillion a year. You are now in the hot seat - what is your call?

Pull out the troops on some expedited timetable, never mind the pleas of the Iraqi government? No more casualties, but you risk an Iraq that may implode with renewed sectarian fighting and with Iran coming more overtly into the picture. More countries may get drawn into the quagmire with an assured impact on the global economy because oil prices will shoot up even faster. Stretch out the withdrawal and risk political attacks on the domestic front and repercussions on your other programmes (healthcare, the economy, etc), but possibly giving the situation in Iraq the chance of stabilising to the extent that it may actually survive as a viable entity. There are no easy solutions.

BTW, you do know that Obama intends a quicker withdrawal from Iraq so that he can pump more troops into Afghanistan, don't you? This is his stated policy.
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BTW, you do know that Obama intends a quicker withdrawal from Iraq so that he can pump more troops into Afghanistan, don't you? This is his stated policy.

eh WTF?

what was his reason?
At least in Aghan, Osama is still at large...what is the war in Iraq about anymore? That's a question to ponder.
It seems like the prevailing "wisdom" here is that anyone advocating the fastest exit strategy from Iraq must be the better candidate. Let's not debate the advisability of starting the Iraq war - that is a done deal, for better or worse. You are now the President and there are more than 150,000 of your troops in Iraq and the war effort is costing your country something like US$3 trillion a year. You are now in the hot seat - what is your call?

If I was in the hot seat... What would be the best solution?

I guess I will get all my troops back to home soil. And I will get UN to help out in Iraq.


But it's true that the Iraq problem is not gonna be solved within the next few years. As for the Afghanistan problem... I don't really agree with Obama on that and neither do I agree that McCain's Iraq solution will work too.

The Iraq problem will not be solved that easily unless the Iraqi government is able to stand on its own. Which is... Impossible.

And that means, it will never be solved.

America will continue wasting taxpayers' money on the war. And its economy will get busted. And the world will go down too. Imagine if Wall Street crashes. It will be a lot much worse than the Great Depression.

It isn't easy to be a US president.

Whoever becomes the next president has to solve this.

And I don't know how exactly will he do so.
Here's a couple of my favorite of Obama's speeches.

Mar. 18th, 2008 - "A More Perfect Union"
YouTube - Obama Speech: 'A More Perfect Union'

"The profound mistake of Reverend Wright's sermons is not that he spoke about racism in our society. It's that he spoke as if our society was static; as if no progress has been made; as if this country - a country that has made it possible for one of his own members to run for the highest office in the land and build a coalition of white and black; Latino and Asian, rich and poor, young and old -- is still irrevocably bound to a tragic past. But what we know -- what we have seen - is that America can change. That is the true genius of this nation. What we have already achieved gives us hope - the audacity to hope - for what we can and must achieve tomorrow."

Jan. 26, 2008 - South Carolina Victory
YouTube - Victory Speech in South Carolina

"We are up against decades of bitter partisanship that cause politicians to demonize their opponents instead of coming together to make college affordable or energy cleaner; it's the kind of partisanship where you're not even allowed to say that a Republican had an idea - even if it's one you never agreed with. That kind of politics is bad for our party, it's bad for our country, and this is our chance to end it once and for all.”