The strap nut came off


New member
Hey guys need advice , my friend bought a Yamaha Pac from the Ahn at this weird frocery store that also has a studio...bought it for $80. Very old by its looks . And i agredd to tune it for him . so i brought it home and tuned it...wanted to clean the guitar and took off the strap so i took it off and the nut also came off. The one at the bottom of the guitar!!! What should i do??!?!?! I tried screwing it back in with screw drivier but looks like its a perfect hole without grooves!
An old trick used by many luthiers is to insert wooden matcsticks into the hole and break off the matchstick level with the hole entrance ( so that the hole is filled with matchstick wood. You can then rescrew the strap pin back into the hole and you will find that it goes in tight. I have used this before and it works well.
stuff some epoxy into the hole, then after that drill a hole smaller than the screw size, then use screw the screw in. should be able to screw in by itself, as for wood.....its usually self-tapping screws......
my DIY method is most crude.

Teat newspapers off...make a small cone shape, wedge it into the hole and screw it.

Never loose since.

**was an emergency, nut came off on stage.**