The solo scale


New member
Hear nearly any rock solo and you may hear a normal progression of the scale nature I am about to show you.

Start on the 5th fret bottom string of your guitar then progress to the 8th on the same string. On the following string up fifth then 7th continues up the remainder of the strings with the five to seven fret pattern till the last 2 string which use the fifth to 8th again. This is named the basic Penatonic Scale! Any questions? Enjoy!
Bro...that's your basic minor pentatonic in Aminor...which is a staple food..your rice bowl if you wanna play a lil' bit of solo wanking...

it's elementary's elementary
listen to j-rock? they r quite creative pple, they dun seem to follow exactly what u just described.
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Its very basic yes, but its a fantastic way for anyone wanting to try some lead playing for the first time to try and get something going for them. If that lights a fire under them and they strive to master the instrument I say this lesson was awesome~

Actually its pretty much the minimum basic, that any genre of music uses more then that. Yes even simplistic 'rock'. So if you want to play, go learn, go hard, or go home.
hey guys, its not about the scale but how you actually make use of it...the minor penta has only 5 notes..

in fact it is harder to use then other other scales cause it has only 5 notes.....if you just play blindly , you may end up sounding the same all the time...and may even sound like a "seven month concert" if you know what i mean..hehe

the bottom line is how to use only 5 notes(other octave included)yet sounding creative...

it is easier to be creative on a major, minor, harmonic minor, natural minor scale they hv more notes within this scale...
Here's something I picked up from Paul Gilbert.

Take 4 notes from the pentatonic scale. If your in A, only use A, B, D and E.

Tap your foot, get a rhythm going. Now play. You can only use the 4 notes above. What this trains you is creativity, story telling, slurs and picking dynamics while forcing you to confine yourself to a space. Try to come up with a riff or even a solo that can make you smile, even with just 4 notes. B.B King is a master when he wants to just use a couple of notes.

You can bend, pull off or slide or hammer or anything you could come up with, volume or tone know swells, whatever. Play it for a couple minutes. This is beneficial for beginners to get use to playing some lead, the shapes, rhythm and groove. And we all know no matter what, no groove, no money.

Oh and something about shapes. Van Halen said, 'I just play whatever my fingers fall into. There are 12 notes and different ways to play it'

Just use the 12 notes.
Chuck Berry

Here is another great example of the point (mentioned by Breen and others above) If you watch chuck berry do his famous johnny be good solo (you tube or mp3 downloads) you will notice that he is really confined to this scale.

I find myself mad every time I watch it because everyone around me is in awe while I realize that he really is doing nothing fancy but dancing around with his guitar.

It is an amazing solo none the less

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It's a super easy pattern to learn or "box" if you watch Stevie Snacks.

Also play the opening to Since I've Been Loving You by's the same thing moved up neck

The box

I keep hearing this refference to "the box," what is this suposed to mean?

1-3 Patern?

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