The Real Chinese Rock Gathering@ House of Rock 27/05 Sun


New member
Event Date: , May 27, 2007 Start Time: 09:00 AM
End Date: , May 27, 2007 Ending Time: 11:00 AM
Category: concerts/gig
Description: *no longer at gashaus/redbar! as mention below~~!! 27th may 2007 sunday Venue: house of rock Door open: 6pm Entry: free bands: 1830 Wu Xian Yin > 1915 Sound Alchemy > 2000 Livevil > 2045 La'Dies > 2130 Maf2ia(HK) > 2215 Meltgsnow (Guestband) >
Posted by Anonymous on 05/24/07

C u guys there! hope all survived Rui's pre gig drinking ritual last nite. :twisted: .whahah....the monster is shifting his table of death from the excelsior escalater to Wrench's....!!! 8O
Computer generated timing? Thats becos u never change the AM to PM.
Dun blame the computer.... WAHHAHAHAHAHA
giving thanks . making a note.

wooohooo...!! thanks everyone for being there...another 'full house"..not that the place was big to begin with...but dont we all love the sound.... :D

thanks to all the bands who played ! we've played together a few times now.. its all starting to become a big family...same bands same audience for 3-4 gigs straight.?....

thanks to maf2ia for coming all the way from Hong kong!

thanks to melting snow for the Head banging finale!! :twisted:

thanks to vintage bar for letting us have our own post gig drinking cum in-promptu "jam cum acoustic session"......with melting snow . la'dies , maf2fia,and even ABIT of opposition party and tien di hui and all others, preety ladies and all.....

no thanks to kopitiam for the aircon shut down ...but thanks to alfe 4 the post gig post drinking supper.....

thanks to everyone who made this a funny and great nite for our Hong kong frends. they felt welcomed (maf2ia)dean's words"..wo hou shun fok"......(even though he was prob just being intoxicated with martel and roast duck at 4 am on a monday morning.. :D

jsut to i'll share this...melting snow, maf2ia,la'dies,livevil..(did i get the spelling rite of all bands rite...pls dun kill me)...

"dun f@rk my @$$!!"