The Official Drummer "Welcome" Thread

Hi all,

I'm new to this forum. Joined for about a week already. I started drumming in 2001, when i joined my church's worship team. never learnt drums properly (ie. doing rudiments, playing with a kit etc.) until about 2005.

I've been influenced by Uncle Louis, Steve Smith and Mike Portnoy. I guess I don't really listen to specific drummers, but rather the bands in which they play in.

I love to play the half time shuffle!

My musical goal is to develop my drumming to be the greatest tool I can provide for God's use.

No musical achievements to note, except playing regularly for my church!

I love Vater sticks, DW pedals and Pearl hardware. no preference for cymbal brand... anything that sounds good will do! same for shells. i'm quite a noob at drum shells.

Glad to know more drummers here!
Hi everyone!

Yeap I am also very new to this forum too.

Some basic info.
-No. of years you've been playing
Basically just picked up drumming recently. Less than a month? Haha...

-How you got started
Have always had an urge to learn but could not find the right channels. Till I got to know abt Music Lab and stuff.

-Favourite drummers/bands/influences
So far none. But I have been listening to music by Avril Lavigne and Sum 41 more! =)

-Musical goals (what you hope to achieve musically, short-term, long-term)
A very simple one. Hope to be able to read drum tabs and also play along to songs in the future. haha...

Anyways, just wanted to say that I did not know that the drumming community was THIS BIG till I discovered this forum. Glad to see so many drummers in Singapore. Haha...
Hi everyone!

Yeap I am also very new to this forum too.

Some basic info.
-No. of years you've been playing
Basically just picked up drumming recently. Less than a month? Haha...

-How you got started
Have always had an urge to learn but could not find the right channels. Till I got to know abt Music Lab and stuff.

-Favourite drummers/bands/influences
So far none. But I have been listening to music by Avril Lavigne and Sum 41 more! =)

-Musical goals (what you hope to achieve musically, short-term, long-term)
A very simple one. Hope to be able to read drum tabs and also play along to songs in the future. haha...

Anyways, just wanted to say that I did not know that the drumming community was THIS BIG till I discovered this forum. Glad to see so many drummers in Singapore. Haha...
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yeah hello fellow drummers!!! =)

Im 17 this year and this is my 7th year playing drums. I started out in Primary 4.(i started at the end of Pri 3 actually)

How i started? haha.. mine quite simple. I had a strong intrest in drums and percussion since i was a child. and so one fine day i finally got myself together and my big bro taught me the very basics. (just the 8-beats and 16-beats) After that i self-taught.

Then i started getting DvDs on Buddy Rich. (not sure whether still can find.) so basically, Buddy was my greatest influence.

Favourite drummers? haha.. BUDDY RICH!! Like what Gene Krupa said, "Buddy was the greatest drummer to have ever drawn breath."

Drumsticks? I only trust Zildjian. Cause i love the feel of th sticks and their hickory are of good quality.

I have this pair of Zildjian sticks that has been with me for 7 years. It was my 1st pair of sticks. though the prints of "zildjian" has faded off, its still in top condition. but now i dont really use that pair la.. heart pain.. haha.. keep as antique better.

Hope that one day we would be able to meet up and share our intrests in drums!!

Hi peeps,

Just a little info that i wanted to share,

-No. of years you've been playing
1 year plus on an actual set.

-How you got started
well, let just say it was passion. Couple of years back was playing for church on a drum machine(those rectangular boxes that have buttons on it).

Somewhere along the time line, the church decides to get an actual drum set, and a couple of other gears to improve the worship experience.

Thereafter, given crash courses by a friend and took basic rudiment lessons from another.

Both came to pass and now am continuing my learning through various mediums that i can find.

Plan to get a teacher in the future to improve on my techniques.

-Favorite drummers/bands/influences
As of now.
Buddy Rich (R.I.P/ Buddy Rich Big Band)
Kami (R.I.P/ Malice Mizer)
Longineu Warren Parsons III (Yellowcard)

Too many bands to name, will just name genres
(Pop) Punk (Rock)
Rock (Ballads)
Power (Metal, Ballads, pop)
Neo-Classical Metal
Jazz (Swing)*
Latin (Bossa Nova)*
Ballads (Various Genres)

Influence-wise will be playing styles from the above genres

*Hopes to have more influence on (can't seems to find any though)
Jazz (Swing)
Latin (Bossa Nova)

-Favorite groove (if you can identify one, tab it out if you must)
well, not really a fav but tend to find myself doing it over and over knowingly/unknowingly. Probably cause its kinda catchy.
the basis is Blues Shuffle
but the way I play is abit different.

Tabbing's abit hard (easier to write on paper)
so let me try to improvise...

hi hat does all triples
snare remains
bass drum syncopates at the "plet"

( 1 tri plet 2 tri plet 3 tri plet 4 tri plet )
( - -------- 2 ------------------- 4 ---------)
( 1 -------------- plet 3 -------------- plet )

-Musical goals (what you hope to achieve musically, short-term, long-term)
Able to decently play all genres of music.
Able to read and play from drum scores effortlessly.
To become a professional drummer or a session musician. (hope...)

-Musical achievements

-Favorite drum/cymbal/stick/toiletpaper brand
As of now
Pearls/Zildjian/Zildjian/anything that cleans the bottom

The exchange sounds fun and exciting.
Been wanting to join the exchange a couple of months back but can't due to commitments.

oh well...
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Sup Drummers and Musicians,joined this forum to share the music.
-No. of years you've been playing
Been playing for 1 half years.
-How you got started
Well, saw Joey Jordison's sick drumming when i was a kid.
-Favourite drummers/bands/influences
Joey Jordison is the awsome 1 for me.. TheRev? and travis barker bands will be Slipknot and Blink182
-Favourite groove
Haha this is a tough 1 marching snare? or double ride i dunno i dun favour any i just play it.
-Musical goals
I'm still 15 so i put my studies first but for the music i wanna start a band maybe perform and compose some songs and get localised yea.
-Musical achievements
-Favourite drum/cymbal/stick/toiletpaper brand
My fav drum will be the pearl target with the slipknot custom snare(sold all drum equipments coz out of cash)cymbal will be the zildjian splash and stick will be backbeats.
toiletpaper brand? i think NTUC coz cheap and good
I've never really introduced my self here ahhaha..

Hmmmmm, I'm total noob at drumming.

And I love death metal so obviously I drum death metal.

I've got selfish neighbours whole complain about the slighest tap, even me playing on my electronic kit -.-
I want my acuostic kit back!!! HAH

Dream to play with a venue with stack amps(like thoese gigs at fort canning) and DW drum kit with Sabian AAX cymbals.

heres my dream set up,

SABIAN Cymbals - Set-up Builder
Started playing when i was 12.

Favourite groups: Chicago(Tris Imboden)Toto(Jeff Porcaro/Simon Phillips)Fourplay(Harvey Mason)Earth Wind and Fire( Sonny Emory).I have learned a lot from watching these drummers.

Just some tips to improve.......listen to various genres of music,get your hands on many concert DVD as possible on your fav drummers or these days you can get most of it from youtube.

keep on drumming and enjoy....:)
started drumming 4 months ago...
started cuz i luved watching drummers do insane rolls n beats..

Favourite drummers are: the rev, travis barker ,drummer from saosin(forgot his name) n expanding..

play mostly punkrock but open 2 many genres.
learned drumming by watchin people drum on youtube..
abit lame but it works...

dream of playing a major gig anywhere...
Wow, this forum like got a lot of threads to report in leh. :p First there's the self-intro in the general forum, then the female drummers thread, then there's this one! :P

Okay, here's my story of how I picked up drumming...

I've always liked music and the way it touches and inspires me. Took piano and classical guitar lessons when I was younger. Quit early because I had the feeling I'm not made to be a musician. Somehow, I could never play as well as I thought I should and it was very frustrating. (Like someone with two left feet trying to be a good dancer.)

I've always enjoyed listening to drum grooves and percussions, but I never thought to pick up drums because I always believed myself to be very uncoordinated.

Then, recently, I started playing Rock Band (the game) and found that I really enjoy playing the drums (much more than guitar). And I also found that I'm not as uncoordinated as I thought.

So, on impulse, I just suddenly decided to take up drum lessons. I googled for drum classes one night and the next day, without thinking about it much, went and signed up for lessons, despite being awfully busy and awfully broke.

Have had 5 lessons so far. No regrets! I'm enjoying it way way more than I expected!

I don't have any goals in drumming. Like I said, I took it up on impulse. I'm just having fun right now. But I guess I do hope I can one day play Metallica songs. :P

Sorry, long story!

I hope to get to know many drummers in Singapore. I totally love drums right now and I can talk about it and play it all day! :-D
Sheylara well you have came to the right place. Yes there are many good drummers here (but not me) as you can see from the DXS Membership Listing...and welcome to Soft, and You're are a Soft's DXS Member now.....

Enjoy your stay.

PS: - What's this Game call "Rock Band"... a computer game?
Yo welcome! Rock band is like guitar hero DDR those kind of games I think, but you can have the whole band so the guitar controller and electronic drum kind of thing. I've never played it before though, but sounds fun. And expensive.
Thanks for the welcome!! :) Yay! I'm in DXS! Looking forward to attending the next one!

Yup Rock Band is like one of those rhythm/music arcade games. Four players get together to "jam". One lead guitar, one bass guitar, one drums, one vocals. It's fun!
Hey guys xD

Okay, my first exposure to drums is during my Sec 1 days, all thanks to the game Drummania/Percussion Freaks. Thats when I go "Hey, drummers are actually pretty cool compared to electric guitars", but thats me xD.

Needless to say, played like crazy in the arcades before moving on to the REAL thing a year ago in Yamaha Music School @ Tampines (yes I know i stay in the West, the real reason is because I study in Temasek Poly =P )

So in terms of drumming experience, I would say less than a year. Now my current favourite drummer is Akira Jimbo after seeing his one-man band feat, crazy stuff.

Lets see, I usually play 4 beats groove but I favour rock grooves, including the slow rock groove in triplets. Learning shuffle now and I would say its not going too well X_x Gotta take it slooow~~

Equipments? I go for Yamaha and Zildjian, but IMO its a matter of preference which brand we use, since at the end of the day, its how you play and adjust to the instrument makes the music(or grooves in our case? xD), not the instruments/equipment. Currently having fun with my DTXplorer and Zildjian 7A Anti-Vibe sticks. My first was a Vater 5A Nylon Tip but it felt heavy ._. hence the switch to Zildjian. Have plans to upgrade the drum pads on my DTXplorer too..but the cost.. *screams*

Hope to be able to perform with a proper band in future xD
Hi everyone!

My name is Ben. I'm new to this forum and also quite new to Singapore.

I have played drums for 20 years and started when I was five (inspired by my older brother). I was very ambitious about it when I was young, took part in competitions and played in various orchestras and bands. I continued to play when I was in highschool/university, but on a less regular basis. Now I work in Singapore and would love to play here as well.

I used to play funk, blues, latin and pop when I was young. When I grew older, I got into more electronic-influenced styles and played with a live triphop and drum'n'bass band for about three years. I LOVE playing drum'n'bass :D I also like fusion and admire drummers such as Dave Weckl and Vinnie Colaiuta.

I hope this forum will allow me to get in touch with local musicians. I might want to join a band here in Singapore... and I'm definitely always up for a jam session!

Cheers :)
Hi guys,
My name is Jia huang, im new to the entire soft community and ive been playing drums for about 3 years since :)

Its kinda weird how i started drums. I was a piano freak back then. Until one fine day my brother bought home a drumset(and refused to teach me how to play). As we all know, curiosity always kills the cat, and so i went to fiddle on that drumset on my own, and viola! drums is now my favoured instrument over piano :D

Some of my drumming influences include:

Taylor Hawkins from Muse (v. cool drummer)
Travis Barker from +44 and blink182 (most creative drummer imo)
Mike Portnoy from DT (duh!)
Buddy Rich, im not sure if i can consider this an influence cause his stuff are that untouchable for me.. ha!
Steve Gadd
Jojo Mayer
Martin Valihora from Hiromi Uehara's trio
Darren King from Mute Math (Love those offbeats and ghost notes)
The Rev from A7X
Last but not least, William from Electrico, my former teacher and current colleague

Im not sure if i have a "favourite" groove, but i basically like all offbeats, and paradiddle-like grooves (like for eg, back accented megadiddles, Steve Gadd's paradiddle groove, etc etc)

As for my goals, i hope to set up jamming studios and music schools in Singapore in the future, and also continue playing and teaching music in this little red dot on the world map. Spread the love ;)

My bigger ambitions include getting featured in "Mordern Drummer" magazine, and getting a scholarship to read drums at Berklee college of music. These are just literal fat hopes of mine though, heh.

I currently teach drums at Motivate Music School (Balmoral Plaza), and i play in a Band (Called Gush!) with my former schoolmates. We've played various gigs and concerts so far, but we havent really got down to this whole Band business seriously as my other members are still busy with A levels, which fortunately ends in 3 weeks time

Musical Achievements... Hm.. I have a diploma in piano and music theory from ABRSM. Yes totally unrelated i know :oops:

My drums is grade zero. I never got down to taking formal and proper lessons for drums, except for the ocassional lessons from William previously, heh.

I am a cymbaholic. I currently possess a range of cymbals from Zildjian K Custom series, Sabian HHX, Sabian Hand Hammered, Sabian AAX, Sabian sX, Istanbul Traditional. Im too lazy to list all of them out, but you can take a look a the "Show us your kits!" thread, where i posted pictures of my drumset there

Oh yeah, i forgot to add, my favourite brand of tissue paper is Kleenex. Ya Really =]
I have been playing the drums for 2 years
I started playing the drums when my friend brought me to a jamming studio and the first instrument i played was the drum
My fav drummers are the Rev and Dominic Howard
I dun think i have a fav groove
I hope to perform gigs and concerts
I dun have any achievements
I dun noe what is my fav drum/stick/cymbal yet but i have been using a carlos drumstick
hey im zhiyang i jus join this forum a few days back...i have been playing drums for awhile nw and i am still looking for ways to improve myself i want to take my drumming to a higher level but i seems to have a lot that i do not kw...i hope by joining this forum i can meet up with u ppl and share drumming experience and improve in the mean time....