The New Davis Website

I'd say that the service provided by those people handing out price lists at the escalators over at Sim Lim rocks.
edder said:
I'd say that the service provided by those people handing out price lists at the escalators over at Sim Lim rocks.

A dodgy Moddhist will always be a dodgy Moddhist.

Everyone knows Steven Lim loitering outside CK Tang asking ppl to pluck their eyebrows rocks the hardest!
Nice, visually.

Still, the important things are missing: no price list, and availability of stock not published, e.g. PRS SE Custom with stoptail, how about putting a "Not Available" there? :wink:
There are reasons why some prices cannot be posted. kinda similar to Call for Price listings in US companies. Which is really a good thing for consumers if you know what i mean.
ya..theres always consistence of price revision hence the price will always be changing...and so if they put the price there...they will also need to consistantly update the site..which can be a hassle...

What's "Call for Price listings in US companies"? I don't get it. In what ways is it good for consumers?


price revision? at Davis? hmm, that's something new to me. I tot their price is like "10 years no change"... no sales, everything fixed price, no bargaining.

Yeah, I do know about Davis importing guitars from other countries, currency exchange rate fluctuation and all that, but, i'm not referring to those. For regular items, why not just post the price there? Davis is the main distributor for most of the stuff they carry. They don't always offer the best price among all the shops, so, why worry?

Still puzzled.

If I'm not wrong, Sinamex used to publish their price list on their website. CityMusic too, on their sales items. So why can't Davis? :wink:
erm...davis do have some price changes on some occasions...tts y some ppl here say why do i see this guitar like few mths ago at this price..and mths later the price increase...and i still think calling to ask for price is much more accurate...if u think u r too paiseh to call..theres always email...
Davis plain sucks.
I sent my guitar to replace a the input jack, took 1 month and my guitar came back with more scratches.
Very Flashy website but as someone already mentioned, what I really need is the price list. Price revision? If Luther can post the price of their items on the web, why can't they?
i emailed them saying their site is good and i like it, but the ESP video is laggy and i cant turn the sound off