The Mosh Party 2 - featuring NAKED KISSING (Netherlands), AVA, Sky in Euphoria ...


New member
This is a two day event featuring a band from Netherlands. AVA will be closing the show so please come and support!!

In case you get lost
Vin- 92388626
Francesca- 96556770


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hmm good lineup..but i gota ask..who is naked kissing and why are they highlighted in the gig anyway. Thinks one of the local band deserves that more. Just a thought..
Sky In Euphoria will be selling presale tickets for their album launch at this show.

The launch will be held at Substation on Oct 19th
Presale tickets are at $15 including a copy of the CD
Door sale will be $20.

Sorry for hijacking....
Nice observation. If you read through mine carefully, you'd see why i mentioned naked kissing in the first place..

hey we are really happy to say that our good friend Bani Hidir of B-Quartet will be playing drums for us (Thambi K Seaow) on that day because our drummer had got his tickets for full moon beach party before the gig !

See you all there !