The Monotone Song - The Sexies

i'm the male lead vocalist, what do you mean by SG style? the other comments i understand but i don't get the singaporean thing.
haha.. quite a lot of local singers sound local & i guess that is what makes us unique, maybe foreigners won't understand or like it, but kudos to The Sexies' Monotone Song.. i like the part where they kick into the "Taa daa daa daa daa, taa daa daa daa daa . . ."

keep it up, xiao an!!
oh the accent thing. i'm trying hard to eliminate it and speak and sing without accent. Do you think that kills expression? Or do you think it makes it more universal, and that expression should come from other aspects?

I agree with everyone, you need to be tighter with ur structures and all your guys playing too. its on time but theres a sense of 'out of time too'. dunno how to explain. I also agree with the brass section too. maybe your keyboardist cud have added it with her sound patches or something. haha.

hmm...if you guys are tight with money and you want quality recordings for ur demo or whatever then if ur interested, drop me an email. i'll will reply with my charges etc. plus it'll give you a chance to tighten up ur performances in the recording, plus make it sound as if it was live recording and not dubbing.

cheers, keep it up.
yeah we thought of that but the brass section we feel should only be done if we can also do it live. with double keyboard layers it'll be impossible. These recordings are kind of our demos, and yeah the out of time thing is not your imagination, we're rushing.