The Monotone Song - The Sexies


New member
We have a new single out, it's called "The Monotone Song" partly because we haven't thought of a good title for it haha. It's quite unusual, have a listen!

oh my god you're the first guy who's agreed with me about a brass section haha, i wanted to put one in too.
ur keyboardist is cute. oops, that has absolutely no link @ all.

gre8 stuff man.. had a listen of it @ Timbre.. seriously, it rock..
Very interesting. Let us know when it's going to come out.

One of the ideas we have for 2007 is to expand our indie record label side. Could be distro or licensing deals. We are still thinking about it.
i saw you guys at the hoobastank concert!!! i was working there!!!

you guys are pretty awesome, just needs a bit of work on song structure to sound a lil tighter. all your songs are pretty funky. they've got kinda a swing jazz vibe to them. could probably actually dance to it too. :lol:
thanks dude haha yeah we recorded this just before a gig. we spent about 4 hours in snakeweed. money's kind of tight so we had to settle for almost there for now. I'd redo our tracks any day. We're trying to get out a decent set of recorded demos of good quality, but still demos i guess. thanks for the kind words. the songs are always changing haha
haha this is far from being swing jazz, i'd say it's just been slightly influenced by it, but i think a trumpeter is a good idea. i was thinking of trumpeter, trombonist, and tenor and baritone sax.
its got the vibe to it. but yeah. u guys sound pretty good.
songs are damn catchy. and both u and the keyboardist can really sing.
The music has some potential. Marketability wise you guys haven't quite mastered the art of blending genres yet so may have a problem with garnering a "following". If you haven't found your own sound your audience won't find you.

Were the songs at the myspace page recorded as overdubs at Snakeweed? It doesn't sound like a "live" take.

I guess the most jarring thing is the male lead vocals. To be honest he makes the whole thing sound so...... well, he really sings like he is singing school song or army route march song (in the lower registers). His technique is ok, but his very SG vocal tone and style is really a huge turn off. Especially this kind of music, needs a very flamboyant style and charismatic voice to carry it off.