The Malmsteen Tone


New member
Hello everybody,

I'm quite a big fan of Mr.Yngwie and am quite interested in getting his tone. The eerie sustained kind of effect of his notes. Just wondering what kind of pickups/pedals I would need without having to scallop my fretboard, but if the scalloping is the main effect of his sound, there's nothing much I can do!

You need a Strat with a maple neck.

You need a Strat equipped with a HS3 or YJM pups.

You need an overdrive pedal going through plexi-like distortion pedal.

You need to play 20,000 notes per second and most importantly...

You need to unleash the f**kin foooorrryyyyy...

If by any chance, you are on a Line 6 POD STUDIO and using POD Farm, you Can use Plexi Jump Lead amp with gain all way up and then stack it with Screamer stomp. use medium hall reverb and delay with only 1 repeat and very faint. you will nail it. =))
I'm using a Deluxe Strat and a Fender 600 Champ. tube amp/Roland 30xCube. I'm thinking of starting off with a delay and an overdrive pedal. That the way to go?