the les paul

Surprisingly it cost more than an Epi LP despite ist being cheaper on Ishibashi. Thanks for the quick answer. Looking for ward to your review.
I used to own a Epi LP, and refitted the pup to a 59 neck n JB bridge. The 59 sounds too bassy for my liking, but the JB ROCKS!!!

It is a great guitar to me in terms of tone, however, the joint area of the neck n the body started to crack, maybe due to humidity. Also the cutaway is not too much, so not as gd for small hands like mine.

I sold it, n got a S540 which is lighter and has floyd rose.

Gibson is just a better finished epiphone n made in USA thats all. Nothing worth that price for the quality today.

If u can, get a 70s or 80s greco/tokai copy... These r truly great, as gd as a gibson imho, maybe just swap the pup. Greco r not as famous as the tokai, but that doesnt mean they not as gd... Not as well marketed in US thats all... Heard the new tokais are ok only

OR get a PRS if u can afford the gibson anyway.

Oh, my fren went to thailand n saw the custom guitar builder, and said his quality is 1st class... Gd thing is the wood is seasoned n treated in our climate, so will react better to local weather environment
+1 on the PRS, superb for quality,.. ex but u pay for the workmanship, n beats gibson quality at least in their standard range
guys, some burnys are made in china. Check it out and before getting it. Not that china made stuffs are bad, had a student that got it, pickup selector spoilt.

Heavy as it is, it feels kinda good, tone is alright. But the price.. maybe slightly high, since it is made in China.

Just two cents from me.
the RLG which i've tried is a very acceptable unit, in terms of tone & built. the RLG-45 sports a real 15mm maple cap (partly expalins why it's rather hefty + costs more) as oppossed to the laminate version of an Epi.
I noticed that the craftsman has a bolted neck as opposed to the tradtional glued on one. Apart form this i really can't tell the diff in build quality between a craftsman and an epi thats made in china.

Being an ex epi owner, I had some major problems with the guitar. It looks nice n all externally but when opened, i saw the various short cuts taken. Example very dirty routings and poor quality toggle switch. The set up was a horror too. Since then i have given up on LP and converted to a strat.

If anyone has a Burny copy or a Tremoni SE for sale, do PM me.
wad abt heritage guitars?.....dey're made by ppl hu were from the old factory gibson had in klamazoo...saw some webbies dat say that heritage QC are gd....anyone has ever tried out heritage lp guitarS?......

btw subversion...i'm a friend of s.t.a.r.s.....rmbr...the guy hu had the squier bullet

aren't studios the "hiway 1"s of gibsons? something like diet-lespaul.

there are the studio, standard and custom versions right?
The Studios are the cheapest of the whole line.
I think they are devoid of the binding and the maple cap of the other LPs.