The difference between a bass limiter enhancer and a bass equaliser


New member
I want to get a pedal for my bass to have a fatter and much more thick sound...but i do not want to change my pickups...should i get a bass limiter enhancer or a bass equaliser. And what is the difference between those pedals..thanks
a limiter enhancer is a fancy name for a compressor (or rather the name of boss' bass compressor)

explanation of everything relating to a compressor here

equaliser either cuts or boosts certain frequency bands.

whether compressor or eq depends on what you want to do. but for 'thicker' (add this to the dubious word list??) compressor may be your thing.

maybe you could also consider a bass overdrive? an overdrive also compresses the signal. it adds a bit of grit which can be good for whatever music you play. drives also tend to have more tonal options than compressors.

also, boss bass overdrive odb-3 is NOT a bass overdrive, despite what the name suggests. it is a distortion bordering on fuzz.

advice though, try not to cut or compress the highs from your signal too much if possible. highs and high mids add detail and definition to your tone. lack of which leads to mud.
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