the corna - \m/

i checked it online.. it shld mean General Purpose Machine Gun
but why is the middle finger mean General Purpose Machine Gun?

imagine the commander odders someone "gimme my (points a middle finger)... hurry up u snail!(points the finger for a diff purpose)" ..hahaha
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the ever so famous middle finger GPMG sign is also used in the police coast guard.

if he points the middle finger to a boat, it means its time to let loose and shoot the bugger with GMPG!!! wahahaha..

"hahaha.. hope that works for u
yea some minahs like to talk big only sia..u noe wad.. we sld start a new tradition or some sort.. whenever we do \m/ , minahs must go away.. soon after on wiki it would say "in singapore, ppl do the corna to scare of unwanted minahs" ..hahahaha.. tt'l be sooo funnny if tt happens.."

hey come one come all and make this a reality..!!!
Chaserr: actually i dont fancy the sign too, its been a good 5-6 years since i actually did that sign. but ever since i read this thread and talk about it amongs my friend we decided to apply the "BI*CH BEGONE!" movement!

and whats the sign use by mafia?
u noe i think it'll be abit hard to spread the "B*tch gone" sign.. cause usually the mats would probably be gd at spreading this kindof stuff because of their popularity but the mats and minahs are side by side! .. so it's all up to us..haha
gosh.. u reeeeally hate minahs do u..
haha.kk. but i scared the minahs go call their mats to go and beat us up sia.. aku tepranjat seol
hate is not the word. i dont hate them.
its just that because of them,they are giving the wrong impression of malay women society.

okay lets not touch on that shall we.
we shall end this here
from all the answers and research done.. we come down to one conclusion.. curse you all men.. a song just for you all humans out there.. read the lyrics if you cant hear the vocals right.. LOL hahaha.. well,nothing more to say.. so back to cartoons.. ARE YOU READY,GUYS??? AYE AYE CAPTAIN!!!
HATE!!! HATE!!! lol.. i have to intervine into this one.. wei,zaki.. sorry for not ending this one.. but we cant end this one.. coz this is funneh.. did the b*tch begone sign works? i need to know.. if it does,keep up the good work.. dont worry about the minahs calling their mats.. well we ask them just to move off with their own life rather than sticking into our life.. thats all.. so nothing much of a big deal aint it.. just chill.. whenever these ppl piss u off or give u such uneasy feeling,leave the place if u got place to leave or just avoid them by ignoring them.. oh well,f*ck it.. i dont give a damn bout them anyway.. coz they are just plainly invisible to me just like those emo geeks or music elites wannabes or fashion cores freaks or trendy wankers and etc....


Spongebob Squarepants!!!
Is this the other side of spongebob squarepants?..haha
yea i will walk away if there's more mats than me.. but for minahs diff story.hehe
haha.. no la..not wad u think..
just tt i'd rather handle minahs den mats. cause higher chance to win wad:mrgreen: .. and mat l8er i step on dem i slip and fall how sia? <--u shld get
but i don mind the naughty part though.. the human nature thing..HAHA
HATE!!! HATE!!! lol.. i have to intervine into this one.. wei,zaki.. sorry for not ending this one.. but we cant end this one.. coz this is funneh.. did the b*tch begone sign works? i need to know..


Spongebob Squarepants!!!

not sure, later we try la,
woot woot, shakir squarepants!