"The common sense, the confidence"


New member
Are there any female age 13-18 in soft who really really really wanna be in a band and sing but they do not have any confidence about them and their voice and stuff. You people out there who are already in a band, could you help out with these problems and give advice or perhaps tips?
well i think even guys dont have the confidence too
confidence is something that must be build up, the more you jam the more you have confidence in yourself to improve the next time you jam.
.. BUT then again people who are over confident tend to screw up more.
try singing in front of 10 or more people everytime...then she'll get the hang of it..........or just encourage her then praise her..lol
well if you have the voice and confidence of hayley williams.. wooo thats hot! :D

what? oh no I am Hayley but that doesn't mean anything like from paramore vocalist and stuff. I love the name because she is my inspiration. She was the reason I love singing AND also TO BE IN A BAND. SO yeah.....
well i've been told that i sing pretty darn alright by many people who've heard me, but i still cringe whenever i hear my own voice played back in a recording. haha, i really believe it's a matter of self-esteem! don't let anyone get you down, gain constructive feedback from those around you and most importantly, keep the drive to succeed (: (: i'm working on my own confidence level too, so you're definitely not alone!
i would really REALLY like to see a resurgence of 90's pissed off female singers a la alanis morrisette

too many divas/sellouts/'sex sells' mentality
i would really REALLY like to see a resurgence of 90's pissed off female singers a la alanis morrisette

too many divas/sellouts/'sex sells' mentality

agreed. all the divas sound the same, and those selling sex should stick to well...selling sex. not singing!