The Case of the Mono Case.


(Caution serious man-crush post)

I got myself a mono electric guitar case today. But no, this isn't a go-out-and-buy-yourself-the-guitarist's-LV-bag post.

My mono case came to me at about 9.30pm tonight. It got a little lost on the way to my place, but seriously thats okay considering it isn't all too easy getting here anyway.

But what it was, was that it was delivered by loving, capable, promised hands. And as this gentleman was rushing off to his next appointment he still made time to explain to me that I could with full confidence give him a call should there be trouble with the zips on the case. Now when was the last time you bought a case of any sort from any shop and got warned to check the zips on it of all things?(no, I don't think anyone's ever paid this much attention to something they were selling me).

Now this same gentleman and I had a bit of a mishandling a while ago, for which he immensely apologized and offered to compensate me. I cordially declined and asked for his hand in friendship instead, which he offered back with open palms (over email albeit). And tonight as he left my doorstep, having shook my hand, he wished me well and addressed me as "buddy." (I know right? How gay am I? But you know what? Simple words from a decent human being can really make a guy's day.)

I think by now most know who I am talking about. His name comes up easily enough when we talk about good deals and good hefty guitars bought at more than decent prices. Not to mention stellar after sale care.

Whom do I speak of? That should be a no brain-er by now. If guitar dealing ever bore style, passion, dedication and reliability in good ol' Singapura, it would without a doubt bear the name: Brendon.


Brendon, if you're reading this, you gotta hit me up some time so I can buy you a good cup of coffee.
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love my monocases too! I don't carry my stuff out in any other cases! (except the incase, i use that for the JM) and a rockbag semihollow case cos i dont have a mono semi hollow case yet haha.

and brendon is an absolute delight to deal with!
people who run business & people who run business with a passion- there's the difference there.

Aye to that! Brendon is by far the best business person I've bought anything from. =)

Even though I had quite a few issues with my guitar, he very patiently sorted 'em out (even offered a swap, which I declined... like the guitar too much =P).

i still remembered the first time i bought stuff from him was a few sets of elixirs, they got lost in the mail and he offered to resend a new set of strings again. this time, only the acoustics came, with the electrics missing. yet again, he offered to send another set of electric strings. mind you, these were $30 to $40 bucks an envelope and he didn't mind sending them over though it wasn't his fault that they got lost in the mail.

i politely declined and went down to his shop to collect the strings personally. 100% top notch service, and i think i'm just gonna pop by his place to get strings from now on!
I like dealing with him.
Excellent service.
Good job Brendon.

Waiting for my American Special nao. =D
Oh yes love MONO cases (own one myself), and yes Brendon is the man and if you are reading this post, kudos to u for the JP6 I ordered from you (still waiting patiently lol)! Cheers!
yeah. such a nice guy. feel quite bad... i always ask him for quotes regarding guitar prices and in the end i couldn't afford any so i bought a second hand 7 string. haha. super polite and professional though wish i had the money to deal with him for my dream guitar
I donno if you guys are talking the Brandon that sells guitar also?

Well, it seems he is not as friendly as you guy mention. I wanted to get a few picks and he doesn't seems to be to interested . Maybe the value is too low :(
I donno if you guys are talking the Brandon that sells guitar also?

Well, it seems he is not as friendly as you guy mention. I wanted to get a few picks and he doesn't seems to be to interested . Maybe the value is too low :(

This is the Brendon who runs Brendon with an 'e'.

Did you email him? He can sound quite formal over email, but that's being professional. In person he's all smiles and handshakes, which is also right in line with being professional to a fault.

Picks and other small accessories, he'll usually mail it right to your door. There was a post somewhere of someone whose picks got lost in the mail and he mailed replacements, no extra charge.
If you're talking about getting V-picks off his website, then I suggest you drop him another line? Brendon's a class act end to end. I'll put it out on the line and say the man's very busy with all the dealings he does.. ON HIS OWN (pretty much), and your email just probably got lost in the masses. The best of us are guilty of that.

Cheers bro, the V-picks are quite phenomenal.
I SMS him.. Will SMS him again. Actually, I wanted to go pick up the v pick n take a look at his guitars but he seem reluctant to let me go.. Since, I don't know him , it makes him looks like a scammer..
I SMS him.. Will SMS him again. Actually, I wanted to go pick up the v pick n take a look at his guitars but he seem reluctant to let me go.. Since, I don't know him , it makes him looks like a scammer..

I'd like to know, what is it that he said that made him sound reluctant? hah
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Again, cause for small accessories he'll mail it to you, so it's easier for everyone, saves your time from having to go there, and he doesn't have to arrange for someone or himself to be there to wait for you and meet you. That costs him money too.

If you expressly tell him that you want to go try his guitars, then that's a different story and I don't think he'll brush you off. But again, going there just to see see is different from going there to try because you are seriously considering buying one. Like at Swee Lee, they don't leave their expensive stock out on the walls and racks for kids and clumsy people to grab and risk damaging. All their beautiful high end guitars are locked up in their inner showroom and you have to make specific request to go in to see.

But yes, I'm curious too to know what exactly was said on both sides.
Actually, like I said I don't mind going there to pick the picks. I hate mailing. Things got lost don't know who to blame also. But, I guess what you is correct. I did not tell him that I m going to try the guitars . Is a waste of his time in thT sense.
Maybe my 八字and his not compatible :). Guys no big deal here.

Again, cause for small accessories he'll mail it to you, so it's easier for everyone, saves your time from having to go there, and he doesn't have to arrange for someone or himself to be there to wait for you and meet you. That costs him money too.

If you expressly tell him that you want to go try his guitars, then that's a different story and I don't think he'll brush you off. But again, going there just to see see is different from going there to try because you are seriously considering buying one. Like at Swee Lee, they don't leave their expensive stock out on the walls and racks for kids and clumsy people to grab and risk damaging. All their beautiful high end guitars are locked up in their inner showroom and you have to make specific request to go in to see.

But yes, I'm curious too to know what exactly was said on both sides.
I think we're looking out for the good of both Brendon and you, Stephen =) No worries there.

Brendon, doesn't have a shop per-se it's just a showroom for ppl intending to buy guitars to make an appoint and come have a go before they make the purchase. On his part it wouldn't be wise to sit ard waiting for one person to come pick up a few picks. I'd imagine he's mostly on the move himself considering the scale of his operation.

I'd say just drop him an email to place your order. It's just cleaner business on his and your part. Cheers bro! =D

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