The Best Damm Tour Concert- Bad Experience


New member
Hi guys, im hereby forwarding this Email from one of my fellow photographer.
Hi all,

I have sent the reply out and have gotten a very rude and unprofessional reply. Refer:

My reply:

From: Jeffrey
Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2008 10:30 PM
Subject: Re: Unpleasent experience at the best damn tour concert


Thank you for your reply.

I trust that you are aware that for this particular concert, the only stipulation was against flash photography. There is no stipulation that “professional” cameras are not allowed for this concert. Your security personnel cannot simply make up new rules/regulations and conditions on-site during the concert.

The definition of “professional” will never stand up in a court of law since there is no objective test for determining what “professional” means. Is a photographer who uses a compact digicam for a living deemed to be using a "professional" camera? Who decides?

To me, it doesn’t matter whose employment the security team falls under, whether your company or Sistic. Even if the security personnel works for Sistic, he is deemed to be following your company’s instructions and hence, I will look to your company as being responsible for this entire episode.

As a customer, it matters not to me what your obligations to the artist and her management is, all I am concerned about is the terms and conditions governing the contract between me and you. If you decide that it’s better to breach your contract with me rather than to risk conflict with the artist/management, it is your choice to make – of course it is easy for someone to conclude that your company would rather bully the small man than to anger the big entertainment artist. If this is the case, you can be sure that I will spare no efforts in making this unpleasant episode and your poor handling of this matter widely publicized.

Also, a simple “Sorry” that the Sistic website was not clear will not excuse a breach of contract. By throwing me out of the concert without just cause (since I complied with all terms and conditions governing this contract), you have knowingly breached your obligations under the contract.

Also, to say that "Most people understand these issues" is a non-starter, since unfortunately, I do not understand this issue. I only go by what is agreed in black and white, and in this case, the only prohibition is against flash photography and videography. I did not use a flash and was definitely not recording any video of the concert.

I can easily say that "most photographer understand that non-flash photography means they can use a DSLR so long as they do not use a flash". It all depends on whose side of the coin you are looking from.

I put it to you that it is not the artist who “allows” such snaps as you claim, but that the security team does not have sufficient manpower and cannot enforce the vast numbers of people owning camera phones and point-and-shoot cameras. To throw out a few hundred people would cause a public relations spectacle and headlines indeed.

As a result, the security can only target the concert goers who have “professional” cameras and thus, I am being unfairly prejudiced, apart from the fact that there is no restriction on non-flash photography to begin with.

I further put it to you that from a consumer point of view, a point-and-shoot camera would cause greater inconvenience to other concert-goers, as most of these people would raise their hands up high trying to take shots, blocking the viewer behind.

In any case, we are digressing. The root of the issue here is that the prohibition against DSLRs have not been sufficiently brought to my notice before purchase of the ticket, and your admission on the lack of clarity on the Sistic website further underscores this point.

Since there is no notice, a customer cannot expect to be bound by this condition, and by evicting the customer, you have committed breach of contract.

I look forward to receiving your reply.


Their reply:

From: Michael Hosking
To: 'Jeffrey' ;
Cc: ;
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2008 6:43 AM
Subject: RE: Unpleasent experience at the best damn tour concert

Not sure who you are sending his to?

I did not throw you out. I also don’t have a contract with you.

Trust this clarifies.

This is my last message to you on this subject.


I'm disgusted and speechless.
i'm not a photographer myself, but i do understand what you're talking about. dont worry, we'll back you up. heh, you're not in the wrong anyway.

perhaps camera phones are too common that people tend to dismiss the fact that some are flash cameras as well and can even capture videos..
obviously sistic and midas refuse to admit that they aren't able to chase out all those using pns cameras and hp cameras WITH flash because then the concert hall will be empty so instead they chase out dslr users WITHOUT flash and try to act smart and come up with some stupid rule that claims that 'professional' cameras aren't allowed. i do photography as well and i really feel for those who got chased out of the concert because of this. and i must say that michael hosking has been really unprofessional in his replies (including the one at clubsnap). load of bullshit if you ask me since it's already stated that only flash photography isn't allowed.
Wow, glad you brought this up here and made us aware. And what a lame sorry excuse from midas, they don't even want refund a price ticket.

Either Michael is lazy and can't be bothered, in which case he thinks by dismissing you off case closed


They don't want to admit that they're wrong cos it might be malu for the company's image or shit


they are just being indiscriminate and you on that day happen to be the unfortunate victim.

In any case, i support you in this fight against them. Can't let this cheap ass son-of-a-gun company rip you off.
yeah bro.. keep us updated. and the reply from that michael guy. disgusting. bet he doesnt know he's being talked about vastly (or soon would be vastly) on a forum. but really... that reply was disgusting. really really unprofessional.

pls keep us updated bro..
Reply From My Fellow Photographer-

Guys, have been really really busy this past week and will be for the next couple of weeks to come. I just sent out a briefly constructed email. Not sure if the points I raised are relevant, but I doubt that he will reply...


I am sending this email to you, as well as all those included as recipients and cc in my previous email. If you feel that this entire episode doesn't concern you, as a promoter, kindly let me know and I will pursue a reply from the "guilty" parties. FYI, there is a one liner (point number 13) stated at the back of the ticket stub that says "Any complaints regarding the event will be directed and dealt with by the Promoter".

A ticket is a contract between the buyer and the seller, unless the terms and conditions at the back of the ticket stub is irrelevant and not to be observed, I don't see why it isn't a contract.

Your reply to me is disappointing. I expected a more sincere and competent reply.

Rest assured that I will not let this matter rest. I have already brought this matter to the attention of the public at large through the many online forums and am in the midst of lodging a complaint to CASE.

It takes two hands to clap and it wouldn't have come to this if you had exercised better PR. This is no way to treat a customer.

why waste time reporting to case?
just post to the major newspaper or what.

i think it will have a bigger impact as it will taint their reputation :)
but i feels that case dont do 'much' things
the impact is only there when the involved company feels their reputation is at stake, then someone of higher authority may then spank that rude guy's ass :)
i still stand on resolving the issue, not to get back at any particular person.

Heh, anyway, sorry for sidetracking. This thread shall be on its way and i'll be on mine. Hope everything will be settled soon
Wow, that Michael guy just shot himself in the foot and proceeded to stick the gun in his mouth. I'd advise writing in to the papers too. Gotta remember that you have the upper hand. As a firm in an industry built upon good rep, their balls will totally disappear the moment this rep is threatened.
anyways, bro domino... kudos to your reply. superb choice of words. sure to give that michael guy a "kick in the teeth" feeling. pls do write to straits times forum as well. and call the new paper hotline. get an interview done. end of the day, u get a free handphone. i mean, why not benefit from all this, right? :)
keep us updated bro domino.