the art of practice

Practice is boring. I defeat boredom by thinking of what I can do after practice sessions.

I don't have time these days to practice the things that I can't play... the last time I practiced for more than 1 hr straight was when I set my mind on getting the left foot clave going. I suppose you just focus on something you want and go nuts around it.
practice is an art by itself? i don't really understand.

all i know is that practice is the key to every single thing u do in life. drumming is no exception.

i used to set targets for myself.. such as starting double strokes at 100 bpm and my next target was 105bpm and so on..
i used to do double strokes at least 1 hr a day.. and oso other strokes for at least 1 hr (paradiddles and triple strokes and stuff)...but quickly..i realised i don't have that much time.. and decreased to half an hour..and then to nothing.. and now being in a band..i always have to learn new songs and perfect them and i don't have much time for getting down to the basics of rudiments again..which is really sad..

to kill boredom.. i practice fun stuff.. like last time i was learning this rossana shuffle..i felt so retarded..but yet the satisfaction of being able to add in another HIT into the rhythm makes me's one of my favourite it kinda makes it fun to learn.

now that i've gotten double pedals.. i set new target practices for my self.. and new grooves and stuff..

*keep working :wink: )
hey drummer buah, learning new songs is a geat way to practice i feel. to get the correct feel of the song and learning the new parts will make u better. the thing i feel abt practice is that,knowing how to practice is in itself a art. alot of the times u need to know how to practice, the best way to get the most out of the time you have. certain things like getting good time or double strokes require doing certain things. wat i'm interested in from u guys is wat u guys do in practice that u think really helps u. i've written down and posted most of what i do when i practice and i wld really love to hear urs.
yea i guess...
well.. wat i practice along with my duoble time keeping of course.. basically.. i close my eyes.. and listen to the click and just double stroke for say..half an hour last time.. and it just becomes a sort of "drummer's meditation" as i like to call it.. it feels kinda peaceful..well at least to's like... when i close my eyes and i play...the metronome click just fades away and i can only hear a blurred sound my my tappings.. which sort of means that i become quite accurate withthe click.. at that moment.. i can say.. my mind is at peace. but my forearms are burning with faitgue.. but yet.. the peaceful state that i was in gave me this sort of tolerance la... like y pple are able to lie on a bed of nails... or watever geddit?

i hope that answers part of ur question =)
I developed my doubles while sitting on the band room floor in secondary school... whole day nothing to do, so do double strokes on my leg or something else.

Mangini has said that if you observe (as in see) your strokes while practicing, your mind while adjust and correct any 'wrong' movements that you might be doing, which makes it a much more productive practice session than simply closing your eyes... this is from his book 'Rhythm Knowledge"... hope it helps.
okok that's cool..didn't know that..
well sometimes i close my eyes and go into that "drummer's meditation"
of course i don't close my eyes at every practice la.. but although when i do open my eyes and observe..i dun see how i can correct any wrong strokes... i think i need more examples..
guys i highly recommend the "4 quadrants" practice method on the vic firth website.

scroll all the way down till u see the 4 quadrants A, B, C, D and download the pdf file for your level of skill.

the people who did that method broke down the rudiments according to which are easier to learn and what level attained is considered "good enough". I'm still stuck at quadrant A working towards getting at least PLATINUM for all of them before i go on to quadrant B. :twisted:
I tried the Vic Firth thing before. Pretty cool tool to use.

Drummer's meditation eh? I guess that's a cool way to think about practice. For me it's also an anger management therapy.
Hey guys, I'm pretty new to drumming since I've only been at it for a year. So I was wondering, how do I practise when I don't even have a set at home ? I was thinking of getting one for practice purposes, but I don't think my room has enough space for a set. And, the nearest studio to my house is like a 40 min bus ride.
well..there's nothing much u can do now without your parents consent or enough room.. only way is to go studio or friend's house to practice la..

meanwhile..go buy yourself a practice pad ok?? practice ur strokes..accents and stuff yea??
Yeah, I was actually thinking of popping by Nigel's store to ge a practice pad. :D

Anyway how do you guys practice at home daily? Do you have like a routine or something ?
hmm routine..

well.. since u can only get a practice pad, u might as well make up your own routine of practicing all your strokes at least 5min a day..

a healthy exercise which will help u in the future is
practicing : double strokes
triple strokes

safe enough...make sure u do it with a metronome..and make sure u use the right techniques alrite? and if u can't play fast using the right techniques..start up..there's no other method..

happy practicing =)
Alright thanks a lot man. I'll try to get a practice pad asap.

Are there any other ways to practice though ? As in practice in an advanced level after I master my basics with the practice pad or something. Sorry for the questions because I'm pretty ignorant. :D
its okie i'm not to bright either.....heh. start learning songs that u love to play too, use a padded chair or something. understanding and knowing a form of a song is really impt. wats a brigde wats a chorus a metronome. brain work just as impt as physically being able to do it
Most important thing to do in your practice time is to work on stuff you CANNOT do... find something challenging!!!

That why reading is a very important skill even for us drummers. Dunno what to practice? head down to a music bookstore, grab a cheem looking book, and challenge yourself to play the stuff inside...
Yea, I got a photocopied music book at home. Kinda hard to figure out the more complicated notes though.
reading music isn't hard... especially for drums..
you just gotta get a hold of the basics, and you'll be able to figure anything out..

You gotta think of it as ur reading a tab, just that some spaces have different values, but all the notes should still line up as they would in a tab. Its all about recognising patterns..

There are some good music theory websites online too.. just check out the first few sections where they talk about note values, should be all you need..