The Aging Youth

Bro AgingYouth bro:

I rikes the new layout. Big fluffy pink bubbles are teh nu black.

I lost my copy of Smitten Bard, trying to get hold of another one. Do you still have any on your side?
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Bro SherT bro, thanks! :)

Sure, we do! Drop us an email at enquiries AT agingyouth DOT com. Or if you are a tactile shopper, drop by EarShot Cafe or Roxy Records. They still are carrying the CD. Beat Merchants and a few places have sold out.
I was at Earshot Arts House a couple of weeks back but I didn't see any copies left. )= Maybe I didn't look closely enough.

Anyway, off topic for a moment, any idea where Roxy has moved to? I was at Excelsior the other day and the unit where their shop used to be was empty?
Yeah it should. But when I went there around the end of last month it wasn't there anymore, and there wasn't any notice or anything saying where they'd moved to.