Temptations musicians face


New member
my mommy always cautioned me that the entertainment industry is a perfect breeding ground for vices such as smoking , drinking , prostitution and drugs.

musicians are always faced wif these tempatations especially when this is evident in pubs.since pubs are one of the few places which gives a performing musician a steady amount of income , it is always at the expense of the musician when he/she gets drunk or worst still...hooked on drugs

any musician here would like to share their experiences on the temptations that musicians might face when performing at pubs????

i've always felt that behind all these vices that musicians are exposed to , there are always a handful of "clean" musicians who although play at pubs , are educated on the vices that prevail in the entertainment industry and choose to say NO to these temptations...

any tips on how to avoid these vices? it does take more than a simple "No" to avoid unnecessary attention...
smoking and drinking yes. the other two... in SG? i really think not.

just say no. and speak with ur instrument of choice for that matter. :)
I think people face temptation almost anywhere...Like the above post stated, its just a matter of saying No. Pubs are no exception...
DoubleBlade said:
my mommy always cautioned me that the entertainment industry is a perfect breeding ground for vices such as smoking , drinking , prostitution and drugs.

Is it?? SHOW ME DA MONEY DUDE!!! hahahaha
To be honest i think it's pretty easy to pick up smoking and drinking, especially us musicians. Sometimes it's our heroes who do it, so yea the influence. Artists such as Slash, Malmsteen sure did have an effect on me. I myself picked up the vices but have since managed to talk myself out of it. One being fear of cancer from smoking, and the other, prices of cigarettes increased, if continue to smoke, cannot satisfy GAS as much :D
prove your mum wrong,everywhere u go there will always be temptation,but it depends on how u overcome it...cheers
It's not temptation, it's wanting to do what other people do, especially what they are doing looks so cool. So the temptation is with being cool. I slute Pooo for being able to talk oneself out of it.

I started smoking at 12 and quit just before going into NS. It was tough giving up. Don't get in, you may not come out of it.
Yea that people say one stick gets you hooked, that's true. I quit after 1 year of it. Drinking is much healthier, just don't overdo it.

There are many artists out there who don't smoke, drink, do drugs, and they're cool! :D
Someone said it's part of the package of fame...

It's materialism at work... Mammon.. when $1000000 is just one zero away from $100000
smokin's definitly stupid lah... i wouldn't do anythin like that.. but my dad got really pissed off when i pierced my ear...and he was like... "I TELL YOU AH! YOU BETTER NOT FOLLOW THOSE STUPID ROCKERS AND DO DRUGS!" i was like.. wtf? so stereotypical!
Heh, thing is, i thought smoking was stupid, and when i did it, i thought otherwise. Just sway a little and that's it, the perception of things change.
i wan to study sound engineering at La Salle SIA and my father thinks dat i will end up like one of those musicians at the pubs addicted to all kinds of vices...

juz because the name of the course is "Music Technology" which is also know as sound engineering...he thinks of the word "Music" and starts to think of a performing musician at those pubs exposed to all these vices....i get screwed by him because i'm too hardworking on my piano and listen to music on my hi fi set whenever i'm in my room that's the first thing i would do every morning once i get up from bed....

i'm really serious of becoming a clean musician except drinking because drinking in moderation is not considered a vice...it is only when u do it excessively it becomes a vice....

sometimes people are being fed stories of how teens who use to do well academically in school could turn out to be social outcast all because they picked up the guitar somehow along their schooling life and spent 4-6 hours on the guitar everyday and thus neglecting school work and one thing leads to another and the result is a guitarist exposed to smoking , drinking , prostitution etc...

so people tend to generalise on how music could lead to moral decay of one's own self...but i think otherwise cause after all it's juz a generalisation....