Talk about piercings here

i think the gurl with the tattoo is quite hot... :oops: in a unique sense. but i'll still prefer girls with nice smooth clean skin. :lol:
piercing hurts!! hahaha.. nah not that much.. it feels like those blue black pain.. get what i mean? Like when u get a real huge blue black and you go press it real hard.. yes it feels something like that. personally i have 2 holes on each of my ear.. so 4.. but one closed up.. so 3only.
hmm. I actually wanna get a tattoo when I'm older. one tiny one of a crucifix. permanent reminder of my faith. on piercings--I've got what most girls do, one on each ear, thinking about getting another one on my left just for the kick of being able to wear 3 earrings at a go.
ixora05 said:
hmm. I actually wanna get a tattoo when I'm older. one tiny one of a crucifix. permanent reminder of my faith.

hmm... nice idea... but if u do go juz a lil deeper into the scriptures of your faith, it teaches you not to abuse your body(i think tt includes the blood and skin) cos its the temple of God.

but then again i'm not sure if we're keeping the same "faith" :lol:
i had an eyebrow piercing once but had to take it off due to school..wth..haha..but i m so gonna re-pierce it again during school for tattoos, i dun wanna do it yet though but ixora05,by all means,GO FOR IT! :)
MichaelAngelo said:

I don't why, but this dude just reminded me of a cow. :lol:

And to strats: Really, you should go for it if you want. It isn't THAT painful, just that you gotta be more careful when washing your face. :P
i was planning to get my lip pierced..then i kept having that paranoia of my lip tearing when it gets hooked on to something...i'm super duper paranoid cuz of those thinkings..
Gosh! Those pictures are scary man! I wonder how painful it is to enlarge the hole to such extend that you can put a whole can in! Omg! 8O
stillwater said:
hmm... nice idea... but if u do go juz a lil deeper into the scriptures of your faith, it teaches you not to abuse your body(i think tt includes the blood and skin) cos its the temple of God.

but then again i'm not sure if we're keeping the same "faith" :lol:

not sure exactly what you meant by that stillwater :D it depends on how you define abuse. to me there's a far cry between a tattoo, and self-mutilation by cutting, for example or self-torture like anorexia or bulimia. I think that's the more severe problems when it comes to honouring the temple of God. Tattoos do have religious roots, it started as a religious practice after all and it's not like I'm getting an extensive body covering (I'm chicken la. scared of pain). just want a small one, is all.
SherT said:
MichaelAngelo said:

I don't why, but this dude just reminded me of a cow. :lol:

And to strats: Really, you should go for it if you want. It isn't THAT painful, just that you gotta be more careful when washing your face. :P

This is plain gross 8O
It's quite disturbing. or maybe I'm just too conservative. anyway, off-topic but did you see in the bottom of the pic, "duplication or republishing forbidden?" lol.
erm, seriously i think its just tastes on each personality. . its like there's no accounting on tastes isnt it? i LOVE bod modifications, and maybe u can hate it. . cant really comment on much. .
Yazuka is seen as a form of art in japan, and the original kind is by hand and needles. . woo pretty scary, and their endurance are really to be look up on!! WeeEee i wan a tattoo soon!!