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So any of you have piercings? I'm thinking about getting one on the lip but I don't know any good places(cheap but safe). Discuss.
hahhahahahahhahahahahh!!! pantat! apa deyy... hehehehehehhe...BlackMoo said:I plan to get 16 udder piercings, 4 on each teat.
pepper- said:i think an eyebrow piercing would be reallll HOT on a guy. haha.
but yeah, if it starts to be a trend and everyone gets eyebrow piercing, i'll do voodoo on them and make their eyeballs have piercings too. -_-
okay wth. that's sick
rx7 said:I have one on my lip and im planning to get 2 more.. Because everywhere i go now, i see posers, bengs, lians with a lip piercing and that sucks balls.. Everyone is getting their lip pierced these days, bloody trendy wankers.