Taking care of your bass (help/advice needed)


New member
So like I've been using my first and only Samick bass right now and have been using Di'Addario strings. So anyway, sweaty palm, bad cause strings rust easily liao.. Can't afford to get stainless one(if any of course). So how you guys really take care of the strings?

I heard some people boiled the strings. Saying that it'll expand the strings and removing the dirt/rust easily. =\ I never really tried it b4 cause I'm not too confident about that...lol...

Also some saying "sandpaper" the strings to remove the rust/dirt? Tried b4 and hell it doesn't work well... I don't know, maybe I just not doing it right...

So yeah, share some advice on how to take care of your bass, anything other than the strings... ^_^
My advice... But only works with new strings, so I'm sorry you got to invest in that new set:

Get a string cleaning solution (the Gibson small bottle from Swee Lee about $4 is gd... I'm using that) and any cloth or old white cotton t-shirt (cut smaller a bit like A4 size, easier to carry around and use).

Wipe down your strings with the string cleaner EVERY SINGLE TIME immediately after you play your bass. Clean under the strings as well, basically grab the whole string with the cloth and wipe the whole length. You got to put up with the squeaky sound though, and you'll freak out your band mates when you do it after practice. I did. But it works!

Erm but I change my bass strings every 3-4 months, but that's beside the point. If you take my advice above, your strings will never rust. But they will eventually go dead, which can be a good thing if you're looking for a deep tone. Just not gd for slapping/tapping that's all.