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for kitty's sake!! i won't sleep!!

*red bull binge*

eh wait....siala! the gig in the afternoon siala....can sleep already...remember!!! when u see 7 inches play..the guitarist,the one playing the cort and sporting a cool hairstyle...is kitty and is a SOFTie! share the love!!!
SIALA!! really sia...i shred like crazy one la.. :lol:

no bro blackmoo...i'm not a shredder...not yet...need more training.

On behalf of band 7Inches.... I would like to give all our gratitude and thanks to Kx, Phunk Bar and especially all to our 7Inches "Rulers" who have came down to support us in our first gig together...

Also special thanks to the equipment ppl(who also have the audicity to come late) in doin our show eventhough we had a wee bit of problems...

Altogether, it was a good show........ Thanks guys and may we perform again in the future....

From Sal, The Man U Fan
On behalf of eyes of steel also!! Thank all of you for making this happen! I hope it's worth the money coming down to watch all of us to rock the house too...Although i might have screwed up abit on trooper because the drums kept moving forward till i had to stretch my leg so far, man it was hilarious hurhur! KX had done a great job by making us sell reasonable amount of tickets and together with good equipments.

Any future gigs organise by Kx let's do our best to support him okay? You've done a great job brother...yeah!
I thought the crowd was good? Besides we were enjoying so much back there during the peak period.... Issit Phunk Bar that you don't like or what :lol:
thx everyone! who came support the bands and the bands themselves who put up a great show last night. although there were some hiccups....overall the bands really improvised and we managed to have the gig! thx everyone!

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